How tempting it is when with one appliance in everyday life you can replace almost all the others. All special criteria go unnoticed, attention is attracted only by virtues.
When choosing between a slow cooker and an air grill, you should decide what your family likes more, grilled chicken or a variety of cereals. After all, the purpose of the devices is completely different. They cannot replace each other. So what better to choose an air grill or a slow cooker?

What is better for home use - aerogrill or slow cooker
Features of the device and functionality of the multicooker
Slow Cooker Programs consist of a timer and thermostat. It has a TEM, an airtight container called a bowl. When the cooking program starts, the lid closes and you can not worry about cooking. This makes it possible to do other household chores.
For example, to make porridge, you need to place it in a bowl, add water and add spices. It remains only to wait for the indicated time and the delicious porridge will be ready. There are crock-pots that evaporate porridge until the humidity becomes as it should. But most maintain a certain temperature allotted time.

3D Cooker
Some models have 3D heating. Thanks to him, heat flows evenly. But most of them have a spiral under the bowl, which is heated by electric current.
TEN works from the thermostat team. In a slow cooker, food cooks much faster.

In a slow cooker you can cook a lot of different dishes
Features of using a multicooker
- You can cook in automatic mode;
- You can delay the start of cooking by timer. This will allow you to have a warm porridge in the morning and not waste time cooking;
- Food is prepared much faster than in a pan;
- You can create your own recipes and record a cooking program.

Cooked dishes in a slow cooker are no worse than restaurant food
The multicooker is multifunctional. In it you can not only boil porridge and cook food, but also simmer, bake, bake, make yoghurts, stand the dough, fry (if the heating element is lifting), knead the dough (if there is a cup of bread machine), bake omelets, pasteurize and sterilize.

It is very convenient to cook in the air grill and you can observe the cooking process
Features of the device and functionality of the air grill
The air grill has a large bowl of heat-resistant glass, a timer, a fan, a thermostat, a heater, a control device and electronics. For self-control, there are two handles with drawings that spin. The whole secret of cooking is hidden in the lid. There is a halogen heating bulb, a fan controlling the speed, a protective grille made of steel. On the upper case there are air intake slots. The design is lifted with a convenient handle.
The halogen bulb is turned on by a thermostat command. Heat down on the products blows out a fan, which interferes with the air inside the appliance.
To protect food from burning throughout the entire area of the tank there are special steel grilles. Aerogrill perfectly fries meat, it turns juicy and covered with a golden crust. However, the meat on the grill must be turned over and make sure that it does not burn. But the air grill allows you to fry meat without the use of oil, which is perfect for those who follow a diet. The taste is wonderful.
Expensive aerogrill models have a delayed start function. If you buy a clay pot and foil, then it will be possible not only to fry meat, but also to cook soups and various cereals.

Aerogrill as a transparent oven, and the taste of dishes is no worse
You can say that aerogrill represents convection oven. Only it is desktop and transparent. True, the device takes up a lot of space, especially if the model is with an open and fixed cover. But with such a kitchen appliance, you can quickly and tasty cook food. But he consumes less electricity than an oven.
If the aerogrill is mechanically controlled, this makes it possible to independently set the temperature and airflow. Newer models have an automatic mode and automatic cooking programs for different dishes.
If we consider the disadvantages of the air grill, it should be noted that it takes more space in the kitchen than the oven and you need to adapt to it, otherwise the dish can be overdried. But the device perfectly bakes on several levels. Cutlets and fish can be cooked quickly and crusty.

Both in the air grill and in the slow cooker there are pluses
What is better for home use - aerogrill or slow cooker
The main difference between these devices is the principle of their operation.

A slow cooker consists of many appliances
The crock-pot is a pan with a lid, inside it is a removable bowl and heating elements. Products in it are heated from below thanks to a spiral, which is regulated by a thermostat. It’s convenient to cook, because the cooking process itself does not require participation, but you can cook only one dish at a time.
The slow cooker is good for those who love a varied and dietary diet. She perfectly cooks cereals, soups, sauces, drinks, stews and simmers dishes. But she will not be able to completely replace the oven.

Through a glass flask in the air grill, you can watch the cooking
The air grill is presented in the form of a large glass bulb with a lid. But here the heating element is located on top. The device has a fan that blows hot air into the flask. But in it you can cook more than one dish at a time. However, if there is a conductor or microwave oven, but there is no need to purchase such an appliance. But for those who love a crisp and do not want to fry in oil, an air grill will be a wonderful option.

Hot grill and slow cooker have both advantages and disadvantages
Which device is better: advantages and disadvantages
The air grill is presented in the form of a powerful device. He is able to cook at a time not only one dish so that the smells of each other do not interrupt. But at the same time it is impossible to cook meat and fish, otherwise the dishes will be spoiled. Comparing an air grill with a slow cooker is not easy. Each of the devices is convenient to use. Porridge in the air grill is prepared in pots, which does not allow you to immediately cook a large amount of food, and a multicooker can be purchased with a capacity of 6 liters. In addition, you can cook steamed food in it, and a separate double boiler will not be needed.

Energy saving devices are different
Choosing a device on the principle of energy conservation, it is better to buy a slow cooker. It is more economical and has a warmed case. An air grill spends a lot of electric energy due to infrared radiation. The light in it lights up and goes out, and heat radiates around.
It is possible to follow the preparation of food in the air grill through a transparent bowl, but in a slow cooker this is impossible.

In the slow cooker you can cook delicious cereals for children
If the family has children, then, of course, it is better to purchase a slow cooker. She will provide children with cereals, soups and stews. But for lovers of delicious grilled meat, air grills are a real find.
Care, equipment and dimensions
The air grill and the slow cooker are almost the same in size. However, an air grill weighs much more due to the presence of a glass bulb. This makes it inconvenient for transportation.
The slow cooker is easier to care for. It has a non-stick bowl and the cooking process is not upset by burning. After cooking the meat in the grill there will be fat traces that are difficult to get rid of. So to facilitate household chores, a multicooker is more suitable.
The crock-pot consists of one bowl, a support for steaming and a special spoon. But with the bowl you need to be careful, because in another bowl it will not be possible to cook.

The configuration of the air grill consists of many devices
The air grill is equipped with grills, baking sheets, skewers, a chicken stand and other important appliances. And what is important, when cooking, you can use other dishes.

Both the hot grill and the slow cooker are good in their own way.
So, the multicooker is more suitable for dietary and healthy dishes, simpler and easier to care for and transport. The air grill cooks delicious dishes with a crust, but is difficult to transport.