The bikini trimmer is a small manual clipper in the intimate area. The device operates on the same principle as a conventional short-cut machine. But the main difference between both the female trimmer and the male machine for intimate places, as well as the male one, is that the hair is cut very close to the body without damaging the skin. Quite a lot of representatives of both sexes abandoned other methods of getting rid of hair, choosing trimmers to create an intimate hairstyle.
Advantages of a bikini machine
The trimmer for the bikini line is distinguished by a gentle haircut, without damage to particularly delicate skin in this area. The trimmer rightfully occupies a leading position in ways to get rid of vegetation, and here's why:
- Lack of pain. As you know, the essence of any epilator is to pull out the hair, which can not be performed painlessly, especially in the delicate intimate area. The device, in turn, does not create such a problem, since it does not pull out, but cuts the hairs.
- The quality of the haircut is top notch. Contrary to the misconception that the trimmer for an intimate haircut leaves long hair roots, the blades pass very close to the skin, so that the hair is completely visible.
An intimate trimmer cuts the hair as short as possible, so that the difference with shaving or hair removal is almost not visible.
- Safety to use. Be it a male or female trimmer, it is designed so that it will be difficult to damage the skin. This can not boast shaving machines, which can be easily injured and often, along with the hairs, cut off the upper layer of the skin, which leads to irritation. The bikini trimmer does not give a chance to ingrown hairs.
- No annoyance. As a rule, removing vegetation with a razor or pulling it out almost always results in irritated skin with redness and itching. As a result, a person runs the risk of introducing infection into damaged areas or getting pustules. Cutting hair, this problem can be avoided, and the aesthetic appearance will be more presentable.
- A well-thought-out case allows you to conveniently carry out a haircut in the most inaccessible places.
Various nozzles allow you to care not only for the intimate area, but also for other parts of the body.
- A variety of nozzles allow not only to effectively remove hair, but also to make various haircuts. Among the male and female trimmers for caring for the bikini area there are nozzles of different sizes, allowing you to design a variety of haircuts, from simple to the most complex.
A variety of interchangeable cutting heads makes the trimmer universal.
- Multifunctionality. This device is used not only to get rid of pubic hair, the list of options depends on the specific model. Typically, the list of machine features includes: a haircut in the intimate zone, in the armpits, shaping the mustache and beard, as well as the eyebrows. Before you go to buy a clipper, it is worth determining what the goals of its use will be.
It is worth choosing a machine and nozzles for it after the goals of its use are determined.
- Hygiene In addition to external beauty, do not forget about health, hygiene is not the last factor in this. Even medical experts recommend shaving off in favor of a haircut.
As a disadvantage, the fact that this method of getting rid of hair is not long-term, the procedure will have to be repeated at least twice a week, since after three days the hair becomes visible.Using shaving, let alone an epilator, the vegetation significantly slows down its growth, as it is removed under the root and it needs more time to repair damaged bulbs.
Men can use electric shaver for intimate areas.
What are the trimmers for intimate haircuts
Trimmers for bikini zone are on the market in huge quantities. From the characteristics that a bikini trimmer is endowed with, its practicality is formed. Before choosing it is necessary to determine the tasks that the machine should cope with. You can choose by dividing the trimmers according to the main parameters: moisture resistance, cutting area, types of nozzles. First things first.
Moisture resistance
Such a haircut is not primarily a fashion trend, but a hygienic procedure for personal care. Therefore, often this procedure is carried out in the shower. But it is worth remembering that not every trimmer is designed to combine a haircut with water procedures:
- Not moisture resistant. Such machines work exclusively on dry skin. A special brush for dry cleaning is included in the kit with such a machine. Such cars are not very expensive.
- Partially moisture resistant. Such a trimmer, in addition to dry brushing, can withstand water cleaning. The shearing part of the machine does not allow water to enter the body, and the blades do not rust. But using it in the shower is not recommended.
Moisture resistant machines are more popular due to their versatility.
- Totally waterproof. These machines have a waterproof body, which allows you to combine a haircut with a shower. Manufacturers claim that not a single drop will fall into the trimmer and spoil it. In a set with this type of machine, there should be a nozzle in the form of a razor. If it is absent, you should be careful, perhaps the manufacturers were deceitful and this device is not resistant to moisture.
We recommend you to familiarize yourself with: the choice of the best female epilator for the intimate area.
Cutting Size
The quality of the procedure largely depends on the size of the work surface. Two types are distinguished here:
- Narrow work surface. In such a machine, the size of the blades varies from 2 to 2.5 cm, which makes it possible to create sharper lines and provides access to difficult places without damaging the skin.
The scope of the trimmer depends on the width of the shearing surface.
- Wide shearing part. Here, the blades reach 3 cm. With such a nozzle, you can easily and easily process easily accessible parts of the body, and access to difficult places will be much more difficult.
Types of nozzles
The minimum trimmer includes at least one more nozzle, in addition to the main one, as a rule, zero. But manufacturers think about their customers and try to regularly improve their products and make them more functional. An abundance of nozzles is one way to add features to the trimmer. So, what nozzles are proposed and why are they needed:
- Crest. Using this nozzle, you can adjust the length of the vegetation, which is regulated using a special simple mechanism. The length can be set from 3 to 10 mm.
The size of such a nozzle is selected individually.
- Razor. It is used as a regular razor, it is used if necessary to achieve perfectly smooth skin. It is recommended that the nozzle be treated with an antiseptic to avoid irritation.
There are two-sided trimmers, a clipper on one side and a razor on the other.
- Nozzle for spot removal of hairs, used in individual small areas. Most often, a vertical nozzle is used to correct eyebrows.
Point nozzles are often used to correct the shape of eyebrows.
- Crest. Using this nozzle, you can adjust the length of the vegetation, which is regulated using a special simple mechanism. The length can be set from 3 to 10 mm.
- Other types of nozzles. The most popular trimmers that have many attachments. It is not surprising, because this makes them universal assistants in the fight against vegetation. Replaceable nozzles differ not only in a form, but also in functions. For example, there are trimmers that include an epilator or pumice nozzle. Of course, such devices and at a price will cost an order of magnitude higher than their counterparts.
Also, it is worth remembering that not only nozzles should be included in the kit for the trimmer, but also batteries or an accumulator with charging, a brush for cleaning nozzles, sometimes manufacturers please with such things as a stand, a cover or a case, as well as stencils for intimate haircuts.
At first glance, you might think that the shape of all trimmers is the same, but this is not so, so it’s also important to choose the most convenient device for yourself.
Do not forget to read about choosing a good female razor.

Men's trimmers differ in design than in functions, they have a larger body and restrained, stylish design.
Popular manufacturers
After reviewing the information, you can already decide for yourself what functions are needed from the trimmer. In order not to get confused when choosing in a store among a variety of models and brands, it is worth paying attention to the list of the most popular manufacturers who know about the combination of price and quality:
- Gezatone DP 503, the French model, is considered universal, as it combines 5 functions in one case. It is powered by a battery, capable of both dry and wet haircuts. Thanks to the abundance of nozzles, it allows cutting not only in the intimate zone, but also in other parts of the body. Made of quality materials, which guarantees long-term durability. You can buy this trimmer for up to 2000 rubles.
- Not bad, albeit Chinese-made Philips BG105. It works with dry and wet skin, but if you believe the reviews, then all the same, a dry haircut for this trimmer is much easier. It can be used for the bikini zone, armpits and head. Batteries included. You can buy this unit within 2 thousand rubles.
- The German Braun Silk epil Bikini Styler FG-1100 boasts a quality that speaks for itself. It is used for cutting any area of the body, there is a point removal of hair. Only supports dry haircuts. Carries out work from the accumulator. In addition to nozzles, stencils are included. You can buy a trimmer for 1900 rubles.
- Another Chinese brand is Veet Sensitive Precision. This trimmer is different in that it is aimed at working with delicate skin, that is, the face, armpits and intimate area. Narrow brushes help to qualitatively model eyebrows and make stylish intimate haircuts. You can purchase such a device within a little over 2 thousand.
There is no clear dependence of price on quality, because most often, the brand under which the product is manufactured plays a decisive role in creating value. It is worth remembering when buying and that when a new model is released, it is worth buying it soon after it goes on sale. This is due to the fact that fake manufacturers very quickly begin to produce successful products, giving out a cheap fake for the original product. You can avoid fakes by choosing only world-famous brands, and buy in stores that sell only certified products. And, most importantly, contrary to enticing advertising, do not attend mega sales.
We also recommend reading: how choose a hair clipper.