Technology does not stand still and today you can find smart floor scales in stores. They can not only correctly and accurately determine the mass of a person, but also have a large list of additional options. Modern models will help maintain a healthy lifestyle and permanently lose weight. In addition, they are equipped with a visual display on which data is displayed up to grams, as well as a graceful appearance.
Scales that can analyze body data
Every person who monitors their health and wants to maintain their body in perfect condition will appreciate modern models of smart floor scales. Measurements are due to bio-impedance analysis, which implies the electrical resistance of tissues. These data provide the most complete picture of what is happening with the human body. This means that it visualizes possible problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible in order to get a beautiful and healthy body.
Additional features that modern smart scale models are equipped with:
- Hydration level. In other words, this indicator reflects how much fluid is in the human body. It is directly related to body weight. With dehydration, we can already talk about the onset of obesity.
- The level of muscle mass. That is, the smaller the number of muscles, the greater the likelihood of adipose tissue.
- The indicator of the amount of fat in the body.
- Bone level.

Figure 1 Fluid, Muscle, and Fat Levels
Thanks to these data, a person will be able to closely monitor his body and control any, even minor, change in it.
Read also: electronic floor scales display the weight incorrectly.
In addition to options that have already become standard, manufacturers introduce various levels of synchronization of data obtained after weighing with applications on the smartphone. This will help to store and process data for the long term. A person will clearly see the general dynamics of what happens to his body after training or in the absence thereof. In addition, you can configure the application so that it resembles when to make new measurements.

Figure 2 data transfer to a smartphone
What criteria should be considered when choosing smart scales?
More recently, the presence of a display on an electronic scale was already considered an unprecedented achievement of technology. But today, there are models that have a small computer and several sensors that measure body composition. Namely, the weight, level of fat, fluid and bone tissue in the human body. In order to get very accurate and correct data about your body, you should opt for such equipment. Also find out which scales are better.
When choosing suitable weights, you should pay attention to its functionality. Key indicators include:
- The most permissible load. Most often you can find models with a mark of 100-150 kg. But if Libra purchased for a family in which there is a person with a lot of weight, it is better to choose 200-220 kg.
- Errors in measurements. Absolutely correct and accurate data do not have any model of floor scales. The most advanced and expensive of them have an error of 100-300 gamma.
- Built-in memory.A very important selection criterion for people who need to know their weight and other indicators in dynamics. Today you can find models that can save and analyze from 2 to 10 results.
- Additional options. Everyone will be able to choose a model of modern smart scales, depending on their needs and requirements. Manufacturers do not stand still and constantly come up with and implement new functions.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with device of floor mechanical scales.
The most popular are:
- Calculation of body mass index. Before weighing, growth data must be entered into the device memory. After that, the computer itself will calculate the desired indicator and may even recommend the optimal level of daily calories;
- measuring muscle mass and body fat. This happens due to the passage through the body of a weak discharge of electric current. When he encounters body fat on his way, his course slows down. That is, each adipose, bone and muscle tissue has its own resistance. All readings are displayed immediately;
Figure 3 Additional options in smart floor scales
- identification. A very convenient feature for a large family. The scales themselves will be able to determine who exactly stood on the scales and write the received data to it in a profile that must be written in advance to the device’s memory;
- tracking weight readings. All changes that will occur in adipose or muscle tissue will immediately appear on the display of the device. This will help a person to control his weight and not gain extra pounds;
Figure 4 Body Weight Control
- additional monitor. Thanks to this person, one does not have to bend down to see the results obtained after weighing;
Figure 5 Optional Monitor
- turning off the balance in automatic mode. The backlight goes out 10-15 seconds after the cessation of exposure to the surface, which helps to save battery power for a longer period.
In addition, appearance deserves special attention. In order for floor scales to fit as organically as possible into the interior of a house or apartment, manufacturers carefully work on the design of each model. Therefore, today you can find various surface materials. For example, wood, plastic, glass, metal and natural stone. The most popular and relatively inexpensive plastic scales.

Figure 6 Unusual Smart Floor Scale Design
Why do we need data that can calculate floor scales?
Modern equipment, first of all, will help evaluate the effectiveness of a particular nutrition system or diet. In addition, data on the state of the body as a whole will tell you about the need to increase physical activity. For athletes, it is very important to monitor the balance of fat, muscle and water, this can help them. sports electronic scales.
You can also use smart weight measurements for people with certain diseases in which it is very important to control the level of fluid in the body and prevent swelling from spreading.
Smart models of floor scales can be used by elderly people. In the process of aging, calcium gradually leaves the bones, that is, the human skeleton gradually becomes lighter. Timely diagnosis will help to notice changes in the level of bone tissue and consult a doctor.
WITH rated accurate floor scales can be found in our article.
How to weigh?
For starters, a person just gets on the platform. Then you need to get off it and write to the device memory all the important data that the equipment will request. Usually it is gender, age and height. In addition, some smart weight models may have an option for athletes.
After entering all the data, a personal profile is automatically created. If there are several people in the family, then each can be written under a different number or name, so that it is easier to control their changes in body weight. Next, the calculation will occur and the results will be displayed.Some recommendations can also be spelled out right away. For example, the daily calorie intake.

Figure 7 How to weigh correctly
Who should not use smart scales?
Since measurements of the level of fat, bone and muscle tissue, as well as fluid in the body, occur due to the use of weak current pulses, there are a number of contraindications for the use of equipment. These include:
- Fever;
- electric pacemaker;
- small children under the age of 6 years;
- pregnant women.
All other people can use smart floor scales without any restrictions and prohibitions.
How to set up electronic floor scales, read here.
Rating of popular smart scale models
Technologies do not stand still, everyone today can acquire today a smart model of scales, which will display all the data received in the application on a smartphone, as well as save and analyze the information received, as well as give recommendations regarding it.
Find out which electronic floor scales are best for you. our article.
The rating of the best and most interesting models of new-generation floor scales was headed by:
- Withings WS-50 WH Smart Body Analyzer. They are made in 2 current colors: black and white. The scale connects to an iOS or Android phone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. In addition to the standard functions of smart models of scales, it also determines the pulse, body temperature and the level of purity of the surrounding air. That is, this model is able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state of a person as a whole. In addition, the application acts as a personal trainer. After the weighing process, the program will evaluate the state of the body and give certain recommendations. For example, how many kilograms you need to lose and when to start the next workout. In the application on the phone, you can set micro goals and the program will monitor compliance with their accomplishments, and then draw up reports in the form of convenient diagrams.
Good to know: which medical floor scales are better to choose?
Figure 8 Withings WS-50 WH Smart Body Analyzer
- Xiaomi Smart Scale. Consumers will first of all appreciate the fairly affordable price of modern smart scales from a Chinese manufacturer. The device runs on four AA batteries. It can connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth, where all data is synchronized in the Mi Fit application. Here it’s very convenient to create several accounts for each family member, where they can track their individual data. Scales will select the ideal weight for each person and help to achieve the desired result. They will guide and control a person on the way to a healthy and beautiful body.
Figure 9 Xiaomi Smart Scale
- Meizu RyFit. It will help a person quickly determine the level of fat, bone and muscle tissue, as well as analyze the level of fluid in the body. In addition, the definition of biological age becomes an interesting additional feature of smart scales. The results are transmitted to a special application on the smartphone via Bluetooth. Data is synchronized even if the phone is dead.
It may be interesting: what is important to pay attention to when choosing glass floor scales.

Figure 10 Meizu RyFit