Everyone wants to have a beautiful body and good health. To achieve this, you must constantly monitor body weight. Only floor scales can help with this. It is better to choose electronic models, as they have greater accuracy and much less give errors when measuring weight. It is important to know how to check electronic floor scales for accuracy, as well as how to adjust the operation of the device during use.
How to set up the floor scales the first time you turn it on
The life of a modern person is already hard to imagine without floor scales. Many go in for sports, attend various areas of fitness, eat right and follow diets. All this is simply impossible without constant monitoring of body weight. therefore electronic scales must be set up correctly.

Body weight control
Body weight control
Primarily, weight setting is to install them on a solid and even surface. If you do not provide a stable position, then the device may work with errors. The further correct operation of the device depends on the location of the scales during the first start-up.
Today, a huge number of models are presented on the market. They differ in a set of additional functions, as well as measurement accuracy. Each manufacturer has its own distinctive features. For example, there are differences when you turn it on: in some models it is done with a gentle touch, in others - by getting up on the platform. there is models with an analyzer of fat, muscle and water.

Turn on equipment
To get the most accurate data, you must correctly stand on the measuring device. For this, the feet should be placed in parallel. Due to this position, the correct distribution of body mass occurs, which guarantees the correctness of the data.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with mechanical floor scales.

Correct position
How to check the balance for accuracy
A person’s weight is constantly changing. Different indicators can even be observed in the morning and evening. Therefore, very often I want to know how you can check the floor electronic scales for accuracy.
Basically, people make conclusions about the correct operation of the measuring device after they put various objects on the platform. But this is one of the most common mistakes. Scales are designed in such a way as to correctly measure the weight of a person. That is, a certain type of platform load is provided. Therefore, using relatively small objects, for example, one kilogram of sugar or a dumbbell weighing less than five to seven kilograms, it is impossible to draw the correct conclusions about the operation of the device, as errors will occur in the calculations.
Each model has special sensors that are installed in the legs of the device. It is they who are responsible for the accuracy and correctness of measurements.
Which is better - electronic or mechanical scales? Read in our article.
To determine how true the indicators are, you need to weigh five times. It is not recommended to do this:
- Big pauses between sets.
- There are in the weighing process.
- To drink water or various drinks.
- Change clothes or undress.
- Other actions that may cause inaccuracies or incorrect results.
This will help to find out with what error the device works. This is done as follows: the smallest weighing result is taken from a larger indicator.If the device works correctly and correctly, then the permissible error will be 400 grams or less. With a value of more, we can conclude that the device as a whole is malfunctioning. Usually the problem lies with the sensors. The reset button will help to solve it. In almost all models, it is located on the back moan of the platform.
Find out how to choose electronic floor scales.

General reset
In cases where a general reset did not help to eliminate data inaccuracy, you can resort to such solutions to the problem:
- Contacting a specialized workshop where professionals can check the accuracy of measurements;
- purchase of new equipment.
In this case, sometimes the acquisition of new scales is much cheaper than DIY repair or in the workshop. Especially if the sensors are broken. Criteria for choosing accurate floor scales read here.
Useful Tips
There are several practical recommendations that will help you set up your balance for home use:
- Change the place where the measuring device stands. Visually, a person may not even notice that the scales are uneven, and this leads to errors in the operation of the sensors.
- Check the legs of the balance for the presence of a foreign object that causes a malfunction in proper operation.
- Change batteries in the floor scales yourself.

Battery Replacement
In order for the measuring equipment to show the correct result, place the device on a flat surface. Otherwise, the quality and duration of its operation depends on the manufacturer and the selected model.
Read also: selection of outdoor electronic goods scales.
Good tips: with the installation of the scales - only on a perfectly flat surface, stand on the scales correctly, the button for resetting previous results, replacing the battery with a new one. Thank!