Most floor scales are made on the same principle, so they have the same damage. To learn how to fix electronic floor scales, you will need to study several important nuances.
The device of electronic floor scales
The product consists of several elements. As a rule, experts distinguish the following parts of it:
- display;
- housing;
- printed circuit board with various microcircuits;
- load cells.

Classic glass scales. They have a display, a circuit and 4 sensors
The body of the product can be made of plastic, glass or metal. Each option has its own advantages. When the case is deformed, it is almost impossible to repair the scales.
The most important part of the balance is the load cell. They are metal plates that are located on the back of the product.

Open load cell plate. The sensor converts the deformation force to kilograms
Inside the product there is a board that reads the data and displays it on the display. The functionality of the balance depends on the electronic board. 4 sensors are connected to the board. The whole structure is reliably protected by the housing. The display on most devices is black and white. It displays all the necessary information well.

The device is powered by a battery. Uses a miniature battery (tablet battery)
The most common causes of failure
There is a list of the most frequent breakdowns. The following reasons are distinguished:
- loop failure;
- reduction in the area of contact ends;
- failure of the elements of the electronic board;
- breaking contacts;
- calibration problems.
The balance may not work due to a dead battery. In this case, only replace batteries yourself.
You need to start device diagnostics by looking for simple problems.

Tempered glass device, which rarely fails due to the high strength of the case
The operation process of the floor scales includes constant pressure on its surface. After that, the load is evenly distributed on the sensors. Metal strain gauges can fail due to the passage of time. If one of them sends the wrong value, scales start to show the wrong weight.
If the scales do not work, then repairing the scales with your own hands is a difficult procedure. To fix most problems, you must use a special tool. You also need to have skills, for example, to cope with the replacement and soldering of a new contact.
To diagnose a breakdown, you need to check each item of the product. If the balance is completely turned off and does not turn on, you need to disassemble them and check the integrity of all wires. If they show incorrect data, then you need to look for a problem among the load cells.
For choosing smart home scales Check out our article.
How to find the source of the problem
It is extremely problematic to independently carry out diagnostic measures. You will need to run the following algorithm in order to find the problem:
- Carefully inspect the balance for deformations.
- Remove protective feet from strain gauges. Inspect metal plates.
- Disassemble the housing. Check all internal elements.

In order to disassemble the housing, you need to unscrew all the bolts
On some devices, bolts may be hidden behind a sticker.Before opening the scales, you need to make sure that all the bolts have been unscrewed, otherwise the case may be damaged.
To restore the functionality of the device, you will need a special tool. It is necessary to prepare in advance:
- soldering iron (may be required if there is a wire break);
- small screwdrivers.
Spare sensors may also be required. They can be purchased at a specialized store or removed from other products. At home, a person will be able to eliminate only minor damage. In case of difficulties, they turn to specialists. In each city there are companies and craftsmen who are engaged in repair work.
What are medical floor scales and how to choose them, read here.
Elimination of the most frequent breakdowns
For a successful repair, you will need to perform a simple algorithm of actions. If a person wants to learn how to repair electronic floor scales, he must familiarize himself with the step-by-step repair instructions.
Sensor Repair
If the balance is broken due to the sensors, first of all it will be necessary to establish the type of problem (curvature of the sensor, wire breakage, complete breakdown). If the malfunction is due to the curvature of the structure, it will need to be straightened. Most often, one of the load cells fails. In this case, you will need to perform the following steps.
- Check the performance of the sensors. To do this, put your hands on each of them. Even with a slight pressure on only 1 sensor, the balance should turn on.
- Disassemble the scales, carefully examine the wiring.
- If there is an open (next to the board or the sensor itself), it will need to be restored. To do this, you will need to use a soldering iron.
- In some cases, the cliff is hidden behind the glue base. It is necessary to carefully open it and check the reliability of the connection.

Wires connected to a strain gauge
If the sensor is completely broken, it is replaced. It is quite problematic to find and buy a suitable spare part on your own. When searching for a new load cell, you must pay attention to its compatibility with the device. It is better to purchase it in specialized stores. When buying, you must use the help of consultants. The new sensor will need to be fixed in the seat, as well as soldered wires to it.
Recommended reading: selection of electronic floor scales.
Repair a loop
Loop repair is usually required when the numbers on the display are not completely displayed. A cable is a set of wires that connects the display and the board inside the device. To assess the condition of this element and carry out repairs, perform the following steps:
- Full body analysis. Checking the integrity of the loop.
- If the numbers are not displayed completely, then this means that the loop is departing.
- Elements that move away from the board are soldered reliably.

Fuzzy display of numbers on the display (example in the picture) may be due to its breakdown or poor-quality connection of wires
You can use special conductive glue to press the cable and all the contacts to the board. After that, the problem should disappear. All gluing or soldering work must be done with great care. There is a possibility of damage to the board with careless actions.
Device calibration
In some cases, the malfunction is due to improperly configured sensors. Incorrect data may appear on the display if calibration has not been performed for some reason. Modern scales are automatically calibrated every time they find themselves in a new place.
See also: how to customize electronic floor scales.
Some scales allow manual calibration. To do this, you need to follow these steps:
- The power button is pressed and held until CAL appears.
- A load is placed on the device whose weight is precisely known.
- Calibration in progress.
- After successful actions, the inscription PASS appears.
At home, this is the only way to calibrate the balance. If this does not help, then you will need to contact the service center and order a calibration service. Specialists have a tool to help calibrate even the simplest products.
Connection cleaning
Sometimes the balance does not work due to accumulated dust and dirt. In this case, you just need to clean them. It is worth noting that cleaning an electronic device is also a prevention of its breakdown. You will need to disassemble the device and use a special brush to get rid of dust on the circuit board and strain gauges.

The internal structure of the balance - all these elements must be thoroughly cleaned
It is necessary to carry out cleaning with great accuracy. The main thing is not to tear the wire or cable. Dust can seriously distort values if it is in large quantities near the sensors. For high-quality and safe cleaning, rags can be used. This material will not harm the board and will not leave any extra elements inside.
Find out, how to choose electronic warehouse floor scales.
When it is impossible to carry out home repairs
Scales have their own service life, after which they fail. Usually this period varies from 3 to 10 years (depending on the brand and model of the device).
First of all, load cells break. They begin to send incorrect data. Duration of operation is affected by operating conditions. If the scales are used daily (for example, for weighing in the gym), then they will fail faster.

Standard weighing procedure. Sometimes leads to failure of the device
If there is no time for self-diagnosis and repair, a trip to specialists is a great alternative. Many companies repair floor scales. They have the necessary tools, as well as spare parts.
Before proceeding to diagnose or troubleshoot a problem, a person should carefully study useful articles and read the instructions for floor scales. In no case should you continue to use the product with a breakdown. This can lead to a complete failure of the device.
If a person breaks the scales, there are several ways to solve the problem. Sometimes repairs can be more expensive than buying a new device, especially when it comes to budget devices.
About what you should pay attention to when the choice of commercial floor electronic scalesread in our article.
Surprisingly, the article helped. He blew the load cells, replaced the battery and everything took off! Thanks for the sincere support)