Outdoor sports scales - ordinary people have not heard about this, but real athletes are actively using it. Their goal is to measure the weight of athletes, as well as those who want to bring their figure back to normal. Further, the features of the given measuring device and recommendations for choosing a model for continuous operation will be examined in detail.
What is a sports scale

Sports electronic scales with the ability to connect to a mobile device
Sports floor models of electronic scales have high accuracy and functionality. Thanks to the modern wide selection of software, today it is possible to purchase models that not only measure a person’s weight, but also determine the content in the body of water, fat and muscle mass. These indicators are extremely important for athletes, because based on the data they can adjust the diet, type and amount of physical activity. In this, as a rule, trainers and instructors help.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of electronic scales is slightly different from simple measuring instruments. In this case, a weighed person experiences a microcurrent effect, which does not give pain and any additional discomfort. Standing on the platform, you can get all the indicators necessary for normal sports activities, the values of which the device displays on the LED screen.
Due to the distinctive principle of operation, electronic sports floor scales have the following advantages:
- the ability to track changes in body weight and other indicators;
- scales for weighing sports equipment give accurate results - up to 10 g;
- the changes that have occurred in the indicators allow you to quickly and timely edit the program for losing weight or building muscle mass;
- the possibility of use both in sports organizations and for home use.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with characteristics of electronic floor scales.

Measuring device with additional data display
The advantage of sports weights is determined by the possibility of accurate measurement, which gives an error of not more than 50 g. This is excellent data, since standard floor mechanical scales type can give an error of up to 1 kg. During use, the structure and mechanism wear out, which means that the accuracy of the measurement will fail. As a result, it is not possible to use a measuring device.

Rough surface with cells for the passage of current
The same should be said about household electronic scales, which are often used at home to control human indicators. They lead to a large error, which depends on the features of use - the choice of a place on the platform. It is enough to shift the legs by 1 cm and the person gets a different result, which is unacceptable for athletes.
How choose accurate floor scales read in our article.
A little about functionality and technical characteristics
The functions and specifications of sports devices are slightly different from standard devices that measure a person’s weight. The following features in work and structure are distinguished here:
- in the presented devices, high accuracy is noted - it is necessary not only to track the weight of a person, but also to weigh the shells used for training;
Compact instrument for measuring weight and additional indicators with backlight
- almost all models have a large screen - a display on which all received information is indicated in large characters;
- several backlight modes - this allows you to use the scales in a dark room;
- quick measurement - it takes literally a few seconds to measure the indicators possible for the model;
- protection in preventing overload - not in every household models there is protection against overload, in the event of which the device may fail;
- reliable protection against splashes - the body of the device is designed in such a way that not a single drop of moisture penetrates into the structure, so the device will continue to work even if such a nuisance occurs;
- the previous characteristic makes it possible to use the device in rooms with high humidity - for example, in the pool, at home you can install small scales in the bathroom;
It is important to know: why floor electronic scales show different weights?
- Sports device with body diagnostics
- the possibility of disinfection - the presented types of measuring devices can be disinfected with special means or quartz when used in health centers;
- no need for constant power supply - all models have a built-in battery, which makes it possible to use the device in two ways.
The presence of a battery prevents a power problem such as cable breaking. As a result of constant use, the cable is gradually frayed and broken. This leads to premature termination of operation of the entire device.
Where are used
Sports scales at the moment - the time of the popularity of sports and the right way of life - can be used in various relevant institutions. So, the devices are installed:
- in health centers;
- polyclinics and other medical facilities;
- gyms and gyms;
- in fitness centers;
- sports complexes with gyms and pools.

Scales used in medical facilities
Sports scales are actively used at home, if it is not possible to visit these centers, and all work on yourself is carried out at home.
Find out, which scales are better - mechanical or electronic in our article.
What to look for when choosing
Numerous models of weights of this variety have led to the fact that when buying it becomes unclear how to choose the most functional and suitable model for yourself. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:
- Before buying, the first thing you should pay attention to is the applied measurement system. Kilograms are installed in Russia, therefore, the device must also measure in the presented measurement system. Most scales have several systems, which makes it possible to use them in different countries.
- The platform of the device should be with a characteristic roughness - this will help in the adhesion of the legs to the platform, from which the current for scanning the human body originates. Some models have special notches for the legs - thus a more accurate scan.
The presence of special pads to determine the setting of the foot
- The balance must have a metal case - this is a prerequisite for long-term and reliable operation.
For the selected model to last longer, it is necessary to ensure proper operation. Here, the manufacturers give the following recommendations:
- The installation of the balance should take place only on a flat surface - if there is a bias in any direction, the device will not guarantee accurate measurement.
- Do not place electronic scales near electromagnetic radiation, because otherwise, a frequent software failure will occur. If the device fails, you should reboot its system - turn it off and on again.
- It is necessary to replace the batteries in time - the batteries have a useful life corresponding to that indicated in the instructions for use. Excessive use can lead to improper measurement of human indicators.
These are just the main recommendations so that the best measuring instruments for athletes work as long as possible.
Note: smart floor scales - how to choose.
Rating of the best models
Next, you should provide a rating of the best models of a sports type measuring instrument. At the moment, the list can be represented as follows:
- Soehnle 63760 Body Balance Comfort Select - sports scales with the function of diagnosing body indicators. The device gives values of 5 measurements, on the basis of which a person can adjust his diet or training. The manufacturer of the device, China, makes it possible for people to weigh up to 150 kg, but if there is an overload, the scales automatically turn off. The cost of such a device is about 17 thousand rubles.
Measuring Instrument Instrument Model Soehnle 63760 Body Balance Comfort Select
- Tanita BC-587 - allows people to weigh up to 200 kg. Often used at home as a result of the lack of large sizes, great design and display backlight. The manufacturer of the device is China, which gives a 3 year guarantee for excellent performance. The cost of the device is about 6 thousand rubles.
Check out characteristics of medical floor scales.
The measuring device of the Tanita BC-587 model
- SUPRA BSS-6600 - allows you to quickly weigh, along with obtaining data such as muscle mass, the amount of adipose tissue, determines the amount of water and other data. The manufacturer of the presented model is Japan, the cost is no more than 3 thousand rubles.

Measuring Instrument Model SUPRA BSS-6600
This is a small part of the electronic type of sports scales, but this list contains only the most popular and widely sought after sports trainers and instructors. Professionals in the case presented have relevant experience, so they can determine which models are better.
See also: how choose warehouse electronic floor scales.