On the quality of weighing equipment for a warehouse, the efficiency of accounting for inventory items largely depends. And since the scope of these devices is wide enough, and at the same time the range of products designed to measure the mass of goods has a huge number of different types, with their own parameters and characteristics, it’s very important to understand which scales are needed in a particular case complicated. Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to find out the exact scope, purpose, and which characteristics you need to pay special attention to. All this must be done before buying warehouse scales, including floor scales, are the most common option.

Warehouse floor scales
Floor scales and their scope
As the name implies, floor storage scales are designed to measure the mass of goods, a given value of which is from 6 to 600 kg. For ease of use, such a device is installed on a flat horizontal surface of the floor. Its design includes a supporting frame, a platform for placing cargo and an information display showing the mass value obtained as a result of weighing.

Information display
The main number of organizations, which in one case or another may need warehouse floor scales, include:
- retail and wholesale trading companies;
- industrial enterprises;
- catering points;
- agricultural companies;
- transport companies.
A significant advantage of this warehouse equipment over their mechanical appearance can be called measurement accuracy and the prostate of use and maintenance. Mechanical devices in most cases show a very approximate result of measuring the weight of the goods. In addition, during operation, they are much more likely to need technical inspection, maintenance and adjustment, which cannot be said about modern electronic devices. That is why the popularity of this warehouse equipment is increasing every year and almost all organizations that need to weigh goods have switched to the use of electronic devices. About what to look for when choosing industrial electronic scales, you can find out in our article.

Mechanical floor scales
Choosing the design of warehouse floor scales
Currently, all floor storage scales are presented in several basic versions of the device frames, each of which is designed for a specific load. A frame made of a round or profile pipe and having the form of parallel supports with transverse connecting elements located between them is intended for weighing loads whose weight does not exceed 150 kg. When used to measure heavy goods, such a frame will very soon lose its rigidity, and the device will fail.
The frame of the measuring device, made of channel, is considered more durable and wear-resistant. Moreover, it has not only a longer service life, but also the result obtained after the measurement will be more accurate regardless of where the cargo will be placed - on the edge or in the center of the platform. This is very convenient when used in a warehouse where work efficiency is always very much appreciated.
The most durable and accurate floor scales of this group can be called those whose main structural elements are square pipes. Such devices are designed to weigh a very large mass of goods, but at the same time they are much more expensive than other types of such equipment. That is why it is rational to choose such scales only if it is necessary to measure very heavy loads.

Square tube - the most reliable structural element of the frame
The first parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a floor warehouse scale in addition to the main structural elements is the size of the platform. The larger loads will be weighed on such scales, the wider and longer the platform should be. In addition, it can be made of metals of various types, be refrain and smooth. The first option is always more reliable, since the load during the weighing process does not slip. Also, devices that are designed with stops that protect the electronics from overload, as well as a special level that allows you to set them strictly horizontally to achieve an accurate weighing result, will also be the best option for purchase.

Smooth warehouse floor platform

Corrugated frame - protection against slipping
Main parameters of warehouse floor scales
As with any other devices of this purpose, in addition to design features, electronic floor scales for a warehouse also have a number of precise technical characteristics, the indicators of which have a certain value. The selection of this equipment must be carried out in accordance with them, as otherwise the measurement accuracy will be very low and not acceptable for further use. The main parameters on which the correctness of the measurement depends:
- LEL - the abbreviation for this abbreviation is the largest weighing limit, that is, the maximum load that can be measured. It is necessary for every user of this device to know it, and in no case place a load with a mass exceeding this value on the platform. This will inevitably lead to strain gauge deformation, and subsequently to incorrect readings. Such scales can either be sent for disposal or for repairs, which are very expensive. If possible, repair a broken device in them most often change the load cell itself, as well as perform their recalibration;
- NmPV is the opposite LEL value, and indicates the smallest weighing limit, that is, the minimum mass of a load that can be weighed using this device. Of course, if a load with a lower mass is installed on the scales, one or another quantity will appear on the display, but to consider it reliable is not correct;
- discreteness. This term refers to the step of the balance or their sensitivity. After the load is not placed on the platform, the measurement result is displayed on the electronic display. In that case, if the device has a resolution of 5 grams, then adding 3 grams to a kilogram load, a number equal to 1.005 kg will be displayed on the screen, i.e. the weight will change with a resolution of d = 5 g. In this case, the resulting number will increase upwards. Some models have double resolution, which is always displayed on the device. In most cases, the greater the weight of the product, the higher the resolution. So, for example, up to 30 kg will be shown weight with a resolution of 10 g, and after 30 - 20 g.
- the error, that is, the value within which the received weight of the cargo may differ from the actual one, while it can be either less or more than the real one. This value is necessary in order to be able to determine the accuracy of measurements, as well as to compare two different devices with each other. Currently, no device can show the exact weight without error.And in order for the user to be able to orientate how much the actual value can differ from the received value, this characteristic is needed. Its determination is carried out by means of a special metrological quantity, denoted by the letter "e" and called the price of calibration. The relationship between the price of calibration and the error is given in the relevant GOSTs and for each model of scales used it must correspond to the official values. As well as discreteness, the price of calibration for scales can have one or more values.

LEL and discreteness are always indicated on the body
The selection of these characteristics is based on the maximum and minimum mass of goods to be weighed, as well as the necessary accuracy of the result.
Read also: selection of electronic floor scales.
Rating of the best models of floor storage scales
- Massa-K TV-M-600.2-A1 with a BWP equal to 600 kg, a resolution of 0.2 kg and a platform size of 0.6x0.8 m. This model allows not only to weigh the goods, but also to calculate the total weight and number of weighings, determine the amount goods in pieces and much more;

Massa-K TV-M-600.2-A1
- Mercury M-ER 333AFLP-300.50 "BIG FARMER" with an NVP equal to 300 kg, a resolution of 0.05 kg and a platform size of 0.38x0.49 m;

Mercury M-ER 333AFLP-300.50 »BIG FARMER»
- Skele SKE-N300 4560 with a NVP equal to 300 kg, a resolution of 0.1 kg and a platform size of 0.45x0.6 m.

Skale SKE-N300 4560
Thus, choosing electronic floor storage scales designed for weighing loads up to 600 kg, you need to pay attention not only to what the frame and platform of the device are made of. Also very important are the NIP, NmPV, discreteness and error. It is these characteristics that affect the accuracy of the result.