Household appliances make our life much easier. However, they are not eternal and sometimes fail. No exceptions are hair dryers, both domestic and professional. You can repair the hairdryer by contacting a service center or repair it yourself. Many are afraid disassemble the hair dryer and repair a non-working household appliance yourself, considering that its design is complicated.

Photo: "work" of the hair dryer.
We will try to refute this opinion. We will tell you about the product’s device, simulate situations in which the hairdryer does not work, and give an answer to the question: is it possible to repair a household appliance at home. Let's start with his device.
Complete set and the device of the hair dryer for drying of hair
A modern model of equipment can be equipped with:
- Electric powertrain.
- Incandescent spiral.
- Fan for supplying cold and / or hot air (what is cold air for).
- Gearshift element.
- Electric cord.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated, so even at home it will not be difficult to cope with most of the problems of a non-working household appliance.

Photo: about the problems associated with stable operation, read below.
About possible malfunctions a few words
Knowing the problem will significantly shorten the repair time for a household appliance. The most common malfunctions are:
- no power: the technical model does not turn on;
- the fan has stopped or its blades are not working at full power;
- when the appliance is working, a characteristic burning smell is heard;
- the appearance of a spark is a clear sign of problems with the power unit;
- hot air supply stopped. There is only an exit of cold air.
Based on the knowledge of the device of modern models, and the possible causes of failure, let's look at different options and try to solve a particular problem.
To perform a hair dryer repair with our own hands we will need a certain set of tools: a multimeter, a screwdriver and a soldering iron.
Fault and our actions
The problem should not be taken by surprise. The first thing to do is not to panic, but to soberly assess the situation!
- No power.
The hair dryer cannot work due to lack of power. First of all, check the outlet. To do this, you need a test device multimeter or indicator screwdriver. If everything is okay with her, carefully examine the cord. Often at the points of connection with the device it is twisted and / or frayed. Another problem with the cord is the mount with a plug.

Photo: In this case, it is clearly seen that the stop of the working hair dryer is caused by problems associated with the electric cord.
If the elements are normal, you can go to disassembling a hair dryer. It is necessary to unscrew and remove all the fasteners, which, including, can be hidden behind stickers or rubberized caps.

Photo: to repair the internal filling of the hairdryer, it is necessary to disassemble it using a screwdriver.
After removing the cover and reaching the “insides” of the hairdryer, you need to pay attention to the connection of the e-cord with other elements of the chain. It is possible that one of the wires simply disconnected, so starting up became impossible. The problem, in this case, is solved by simple soldering, or ordinary twisting of cores.
- The cord is OK, but the hair dryer still does not work.
If the hair dryer does not work, continue troubleshooting and check the other elements of the circuit according to the scheme, “calling” them with a tester.These are: a fuse, a gearshift element of a household appliance and a switch of air supply modes.
Often the hair dryer overheats and switches off spontaneously due to the failure of one of the fuses, which requires replacement with a similar option in terms of technical characteristics.
- Another intermediate problem.
It happens that turning on the hair dryer and drying your hair, you can not turn off the household appliance. He continues to work. Most likely, the matter is in the switch: jammed. It is necessary to disconnect the hair dryer by unplugging the cord from the outlet and eliminate the malfunction.
- The power on / off button is inoperative.
In this case, we check the opening contacts of the button by the tester. If necessary, and prevention, you need to clean them until a metallic color appears and check how the button works. If your actions did not give a positive effect, experts advise simply replacing the switch.
In the same way, the switch for high-speed air supply modes is checked. If the device does not switch speeds and / or is not able to adjust t0 in a given mode, you can try to “bring to life” the regulator or simply replace it with a new one. The above steps apply to a situation where the hair dryer is at 3 speeds and one of them does not work and so on.
- Why the fan does not accelerate.
Sometimes the hair dryer cannot work due to malfunctions of the fan. It is necessary to disassemble the product body and make sure it is clean. fan blades. Perhaps they got small objects: a pile or curled hair. If, because of this, the hair dryer has stopped working productively at full strength, it is necessary to clean the blades.

Photo: the cleaning of the blades and the removal of hair and dirt can be done on your own after disassembling the hair dryer.
They must be removed from the shaft, freed from adhering debris, and mounted in the reverse order. If filter elements are provided on the hair dryer, they also need to be cleaned of dirt and debris.
Frequently working hair dryer smells bad burning. This is one of the wake-up calls that signals the need for preventative cleaning of the hair dryer. To repair a non-working hair dryer with our own hands, we need a minimum set of tools, which was discussed above.
If it's a heating coil
One of the reasons when the air is not partially and / or completely not heated is the failure of the incandescent spiral. The situation is not recurring often, but it is better to be prepared for it. Having opened the case and reaching the spiral, you need to visually inspect it.
Often, amateurs make one and the same mistake: they try to fix the heating element themselves, to connect a nichrome thread. The positive effect is enough for no more than two or three months. Then again, repair.
Experts recommend "not to suffer", but to replace a failed spiral with a new one.
- Electric powertrain.
The vein of trouble, when the hairdryer broke, can be considered a failure of the power unit. A hairdryer can spark, emit unpleasant odors, and even burn out. Therefore, repairs must not be delayed. You can verify the problem associated with the electric motor using a tester.

Photo: Dismantling and repair of the Maxwell MW-2019 VT hair dryer.
In this situation, it makes no sense to even try to breathe life into the engine. There are two solutions to the problem: replacing the electric power unit, or repairing it in a service center. Only specialists can conduct quality work with the provision of guarantees.
- Chip problems.
It happens that the getinax substrate is destroyed: microcracks appear. To carry out quality work to eliminate the problem, it will be necessary to apply solder to the damaged areas. Often failed capacitors swell. If a defect is found, capacitors must be replaced. Another problem: non-working resistors. They are not repaired, but simply replaced with new products.
- A few words about the problems of the thermostat.
Some hairdryers are equipped with independent regulators. The adjustment effect is possible when using a resistive divider. There are two ways to troubleshoot: turn off the sensor and look at the reaction of the household appliance. Or close the wires and watch what is happening. If no changes have occurred, you will need a schematic diagram of the apparatus for drying hair of a certain model or the help of the service center masters.
When repairing a hair dryer with your own hands, do not forget about safety measures

Photo: Watch for devices, do not allow a short circuit in the network. Connect only intact constructions to the power grid.
It seems, why raise an already understandable topic. However, often an independent repair of a hair dryer that does not completely dry curls can turn into personal problems. Yes, it is trite due to non-compliance with measures of their own security. According to statistics, this is more related to electricity.
Ignoring security or ignorance of the issue leads to undesirable consequences. Therefore, experts do not recommend repairing a hairdryer to people who do not have basic skills and do not have knowledge in the field of electricity.
When checking the hair dryer, always turn off the power. Test using a multimeter or a test screwdriver.
Rememberthat we are talking about household appliances designed for drying hair. The recommendations do not concern the repair of professional equipment.
Although professional hair dryers are similar to household appliances structurally, they have many differences and additional functions. Therefore, independent repair of professional equipment is the prerogative of service center professionals. In order to avoid frequent breakdowns, we recommend choosing the right hairdryer for home use.
We tried to uncover the topic and give useful tips by simulating different types of problems. We detailed the signs of failure of the hairdryers and suggested ways to troubleshoot. We hope that the material provided is useful to you in the future. To fix the material, we recommend looking through the technical literature and / or watching training videos on the Internet.
May come in handy: is it possible carry a hair dryer on the plane like carry-on baggage.