Such a household appliance as a hairdryer is in almost every home. With it, you can quickly dry wet hair, put it in the desired shape, as well as in the presence of ionization functions remove the accumulated static electricity, but all this is done using a conventional concentrating nozzle and additional improvised means. And few people recall that in most cases modern hair dryers include such a nozzle as a diffuser in their kit, and that using it correctly, you can not only dry your curls faster, but also create a very beautiful hairstyle, spending little time and effort on this. The main thing is to find out how to use the diffuser on a hairdryer and what cosmetics to use for this.
Find out, why do I need a nozzle diffuser in a hairdryer.

How to use a diffuser on a hairdryer?

Nozzle with “fingers” comes with almost every modern hairdryer
Diffuser device
The diffuser is called a large round nozzle in the form of a disk made of plastic. The disk is equipped with a large number of holes through which air flows. There are plastic “fingers” on it, which can have different lengths, as well as an additional hole for passing an air stream. The longer and voluminous hair, the “fingers” of the diffuser should have a greater height. The principle of operation of the hair dryer in this form is similar to a cyclone type vacuum cleaner.

Additional holes on the "fingers"
You can also use a diffuser as often as the hairdryer itself is used, while ensuring:
- more uniform dispersion of air, so that the locks will not be burned;
- faster drying of curls due to the large disk size;
- extra volume for thin hair;
- straightening curly curls.
To create beautiful curls, you can choose rotating hair styling brush.
How to choose a diffuser?
Since the nozzle disk can have a different size and length of the fingers, to obtain the desired result, you must accurately select it. In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to:
- the diameter of the disk, which today can reach 15 cm. The larger the number of strands that need to be dried and the longer they are, the larger the diameter of the nozzle. On the contrary, for voluminous and short haircuts, you need to choose small models, whose diameter is about 5-8 cm;
- the length of the "fingers". For thick strands you need to choose the longest spikes. In this case, they will be able to dry faster and an additional volume will be provided with this hairstyle. If the nozzle is selected for thin and short hair, then the spikes should be less long. Of course, quickly drying such strands with long “fingers” will be very simple, but after that they will look disheveled and not neat;
Different finger lengths
- the number and thickness of the "fingers". The choice of nozzle for these characteristics is also carried out depending on the density and length of the hair. If the spikes are very small, and at the same time there are a lot of them, then combing thick long strands with it will be very difficult. In the event that the curls are dry and brittle, then the "fingers" will simply break them. Moreover, such a diffuser after use will leave a large amount of hair on itself, and its use very often can significantly affect the density of the hairstyle. That is why it is not recommended to choose this type of nozzle. It is better in this case to give your preference to the average number and thickness of the "fingers".

The longest “fingers” are suitable for drying long and thick curls
How to use a diffuser
In order to obtain the desired effect when using a diffuser, it is necessary to use this nozzle correctly. So if necessary, create a voluminous hairstyle is best choose a hair dryer with a diffuser, on the "fingers" of which there are additional holes. At the same time, if there are no additional requirements to the styling form, then when drying it is best to tilt your head down, achieving an even greater increase in volume and creating a lush hairstyle.
To ensure that the styling created lasts as long as possible, it is recommended to use additional cosmetics. In this case, the use of a diffuser will be performed in the following sequence:
- evenly distribute on the palms of the hands the necessary amount of gel or any other styling product designed to fix the curls;
- apply the tool along the entire length of the strands, while paying more attention to the tips;
- turn on the hairdryer and set the optimal drying mode;
- dry all the strands of hair;
- give time to cool after exposure to hot air;
- lay the curls in the required order and fix with varnish.
To create the correct “caret” styling, volume is very important, so using a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle is mandatory here. Before drying, it is also necessary to treat the strands with a styling agent. During the drying process, they must be spread out with your fingers, directing a stream of hot air from the bottom up, thereby achieving a rise near the roots. After complete drying, you also need to give time to cool the hair, and fix the hair with a special tool.
Straightening is done in a slightly different way. The main difference between this process can be called the nozzle movement is not from the bottom up, but rather from top to bottom. In this case, the working tool must be pressed to the hair as densely as possible. Such actions must be performed until they are completely dry and, if necessary, treated with a fixing agent.
Read also: how to fix a hair dryer yourself.

Using a diffuser, you can not only lay small curls, but also straighten them
In order to use a diffuser to style a short hairstyle, you must:
- evenly spread gel or styling foam over wet hair;
- having chosen the optimal drying mode on the hairdryer, and move the nozzle from top to bottom, while doing fingers tearing strands at the temples and on the back of the head, to achieve additional volume;
- in order to achieve the effect of individual strands, you need to select a small amount of them with a flat comb and fix with varnish.

Short hair styling
Also, those who use the nozzle diffuser, you can perform express styling, which does not take much time, but at the same time provide an attractive result. In order to do this, it is necessary to tilt down wet hair and direct a stream of air exiting through the diffuser at an angle of 90 degrees. When drying, it is necessary to wind each strand onto the nozzle spikes, and then begin to move it, then closer, then further to the surface of the head with springy movements. After such styling, it is necessary to sprinkle hair with varnish at the roots and, if necessary, along the entire length. If the ends of the strands after that do not look very neat, then they can be further treated with mousse and re-dried.

Express styling

If the tips look untidy, then they can be re-treated with mousse and dried
Thus, having understood how to use the diffuser for a hairdryer, it is possible to more quickly dry and style your hair, while creating the required volume and shape of the strands.It is worth noting that the use of this nozzle minimizes the negative effects of hot air when using a hairdryer, distributing the feed stream to a larger surface compared to a concentrating nozzle. The main thing is to choose the right nozzle in accordance with the type, length and density of curls, as otherwise it will be very difficult to avoid negative consequences.
Which is better to choose hair dryer or hair dryer? About it read here.

Styling result