The image of a woman will not look complete without beautifully styled hair. For this reason, most women spend a huge amount of time every day washing, drying and styling their hair, which, over time, when exposed to hot air, becomes dry and weakened. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, manufacturers have created hairdryers with a regime of cold air, which allow a safer mode to achieve the desired result when drying and styling hairstyles. You can also use for drying damaged hair ionization hairdryer.

Why cold blowing in a hair dryer?
Drying and styling using cold air
The fact that the constant effect of high temperatures on the hair has only a negative effect is known to everyone. But at the same time, few can refuse to use a hair dryer, since only in this case you can give the hairstyle the necessary shape, make it more voluminous, straighten or, conversely, curl the strands. Of course, curly curls can be created with other devices, such as curling irons, and straighten curls with an iron. But the fact that in this case the strands will not simply be blown by a hot stream, and the metal surface of the device heated to a significant temperature will directly touch them, makes such processes even more harmful. therefore use of a hair dryer or a hair dryer is one of the safest ways to influence, and when asked why it is needed in the hairdryer, the answer immediately becomes clear and understandable.
But, nevertheless, elevated temperature, especially if its effect is used constantly, dries out the curls, depriving them of the amount of moisture necessary for a normal appearance. The hairs at the same time begin to break and crumble, and the hairstyle takes on an untidy appearance. It was in order that the woman had the opportunity to prevent this, and at the same time use a hairdryer, and the opportunity was created to use lower temperatures. The use of cold air increases the necessary exposure time until it dries completely, but at the same time the negative effect on the hair is minimized.

The negative effects of hot hair drying
In addition to drying curls at a low temperature, answering the question, why is cold air needed, you can answer that to fix the styling. So, for example, when using a round brush in a hair dryer to create curls at the very last moment, you need to turn on cold airflow, thereby fixing the curled curl. This will avoid the loss of the shape of the strands. In this case, the varnish is used in the last turn to ensure a longer time to save the hairstyle in its beautiful form.
Find out, Why use a diffuser in a hairdryer.

Cold blowing allows you to fix the hair
Using cold air for hair extensions
Hair extensions are fixed on the main strands using special glue. If the adhesive is very often, namely three or more times a week, exposed to elevated temperatures, then its properties quickly weaken, which will lead to the slipping of the grown strands from the main ones. For this reason, hairdressers and other specialists in this field recommend using the function of supplying cold air for extended strands.
In addition, combing wet or going to bed with a damp "hair" in the case of building them is strictly prohibited.Therefore, after a woman washed her head, it must be thoroughly dried, combed and, if necessary, braided in a braid or tail. This inevitably leads to the need for constant drying with a hairdryer, and the effect of high temperatures will constantly lead not only to slipping off the capsules of the grown strands, but also negatively affect the health of your own hair. Therefore, lovers of this procedure, this function in the hairdryer is extremely necessary.

Lower temperatures are most suitable for drying hair extensions
Features of the choice and use of the function of the cold air in the hairdryer
Choosing a hair dryer With cold air, first of all, you need to make sure that its supply starts immediately after pressing the corresponding button on the device. This is especially important during styling when it becomes necessary to fix the shape of the hairstyle. At the same time, a decent speed of cold flow is a value of 3 to 5 meters per second. This characteristic should be indicated in the instruction manual of the device and it is necessary to pay attention to it.
It is more convenient if the cool air supply button is fixed, and when using this function, you will not need to constantly hold it with your finger. The convenience of drying hair, which can be quite long and requiring a sufficiently long exposure, depends on this. This button should be located in a convenient place so that a person can press it without looking at the device with a flick of the finger.

The button of inclusion of cold blowing in the hair dryer
The fact that the supply of cold air affects the strands is not as negative as hot, does not exclude the need for special tools. Lotions and sprays distributed along the entire length envelop each hair, preventing its scales from opening, causing loss of shine and greater vulnerability to the effects of negative environmental factors. Therefore, even if a person is drying with a low temperature, the use of protective equipment is highly recommended.
Read also: do-it-yourself hair dryer.