The negative effect of elevated temperatures on the structure of hair is known to many. But, despite this, the use of devices for drying and styling hair, both at home and in hairdressing and beauty salons, is an integral part of haircuts and styling. But while in beauty salons they use one of the many varieties of hair dryers available, depending on the type and length of hair, as well as the desired shape of the hairstyle, for use in everyday life they try to acquire only one of their types. And at that moment, when the representative of the beautiful half of humanity goes to the store for a device for drying and styling hair, in front of her the question inevitably arises of what better hair dryer or a hair dryer so similar to it.

What is the best hairdryer or hairdryer brush?
Appointment of hair dryers and hair dryers-brushes
A hair dryer is an electric device, which, depending on its characteristics, can be domestic or professional. The main purpose of the hair dryer is hair drying. In order to achieve the desired shape of the hairstyle during the drying process, it is necessary to use additional devices, namely round or straight combs, hair curlersclamps and more. In most cases, the hair dryer is used only so that excess moisture evaporates from the surface of the hair, and straightening or curling curls is performed ironing or curling irons. But taking into account the fact that at the same time high temperatures will affect the hair, it is very often not recommended to use such devices in the aggregate.

Professional hair dryer

Household hair dryer
A hair dryer is a device that is primarily designed for styling hair. Its similarity with the usual hairdryer is the use of hot air. This is also its advantage compared to other types of stylers, which to achieve the desired result imply the direct interaction of the metal surface with strands. And this still has a large negative effect on the condition and appearance of the hair.
In order to perform styling with a hairdryer, it is necessary to choose a suitable nozzle and fix it on the body. You can pay attention to rotating hair dryer. No more accessories are needed. In this case, unlike other stylers, when using a hair dryer, you can start working with still wet hair, since under the influence of hot air all excess liquid will evaporate, which will provide even greater fixation of the hairstyle in the required shape.

Hair dryer
The main differences between hair dryers and hair dryers
In addition to its main purpose, the essential differences between a hairdryer and a hairdryer are:
- power. So a device for drying hair involves the use of large power. Compact road models have a power of about 1200 watts, which is almost the minimum possible indicator. A hair dryer with a power of 1200 W in this case is a fairly powerful device, which can only be styled by someone with experience in this business. For domestic use, models up to 1 kW are most often purchased, namely from 400 to 700 watts. The power of hairdryers used in hairdressing can reach 3 kW, while a professional styler has a given value that does not exceed 2400 W;
- weight and size, the minimum value of which is more acceptable when using both types of devices. But still, the hair dryer is always more compact and has less weight with other similar characteristics of the device;
- the form.The familiar form of the hair dryer is a device in the form of the letter “G”, where the lower part is the handle and the upper part is the working tool. On the handle are usually all the necessary buttons for ease of use without interruption from the drying process. At the hair dryer-brush, all elements are located on one straight line, which allows styling to be carried out with great comfort. When working with it, it will give the impression that a comb is in the hand, although it is somewhat larger in size and weight;
- the cost, which for hairdryers-brushes is more significant with relatively similar characteristics. This is due to the versatility of the device, which can be used as a hairdryer, hair straightener, comb with an ionizer and curling iron.
May be interesting: hair dryer for home use.
Common advanced features
Since in a hair dryer a brush and a usual hair dryer, the effect on the hair is carried out by means of a stream of hot air, there are many similarities between their additional functions. So devices are more acceptable and convenient to use, if they have a function:
- adjust the air supply intensity and temperature;
- cold air supply;
- ionization.
Adjusting the air supply intensity and temperature are the most convenient when using. This is primarily due to the fact that over time, a person may need to change the shape of the hairstyle, his hair can grow significantly or, conversely, a short haircut will be done. Due to the fact that these regulators will be present in the devices for drying and styling hair, he will always be able to choose the ideal mode for drying and styling.

The presence of adjustments makes the device for drying and styling more convenient and less harmful
Cold air is intended for a more gentle effect on the hair structure, as well as for fixing the created hairstyle. Both in the hair dryer and in the hair dryer, the inclusion of this function can be performed by the means of the general temperature controller, or by a separate button from it. Regardless of the type of device, the second option is most convenient, especially if this button is fixed, and you don’t need to constantly hold it with your finger. In this case, the cold air can be used for the necessary duration of time - the hand will not leak and will not get tired.
Useful information for lovers of curls: which curlers are better for different types of hair.

Turn on and off the cold air with a separate button
Ionization of the flow is carried out in order to enrich the air with negatively charged ions - aeroions, which help to remove static electricity from the strand, as well as make them more shiny and beautiful. The effect of ions on wet hair divides the water present on the hair into very small parts, which not only evaporate faster from the surface, but also have the ability to penetrate the structure of the shaft. Due to this, the hair is saturated with moisture, they do not dry out, which means that there will not be a problem with split split hair.
To create beautiful curls, you can use Thermo curlersYou can find out which is better in our article.

The ionization function allows you to remove static electricity and give your hair a shiny look.
Possible differences
The undoubted advantage of some models of hair dryers-brushes can be called the presence of steam humidification. It is realized by a controlled release of steam at the right time so that the strand is additionally moistened. This will allow you to curl your hair to the best extent or by stranding, providing them with a good fixation.
In order to make steam humidification possible, a water tank is provided in the design of the device. Using this function is optional, or if steam is not required when creating a hairstyle, then you can not use it.But in the case when the hair is very naughty and it is very difficult to give them the desired shape, it will be very appropriate.
It is also worth noting that most often complete with a hair dryer is a fairly large number of additional nozzles, the use of which will replace the use of almost all types of stylers. So the most basic nozzles, which in most cases are included with the device, can be called:
- universal round nozzle, which is designed to create large curls. To achieve hair distribution over the brush, either plastic teeth or natural or artificial bristles can be used. The first option will do well with a clear separation of the strands, and the second will additionally give the curls shine;
- round nozzle with retractable teeth. Usually there are several such nozzles in the kit and they have a different diameter and are designed for laying curls of different sizes. The ease of use of such nozzles can be felt on very tangled hair. In this case, having hidden the teeth, the strand will easily slip off the device;
- a diffuser, which is a round nozzle in plan with long “fingers” located on it. It is used to achieve the required volume, which will be especially noticeable after applying it on short or medium length hair. Also, the diffuser to some extent reduces the negative impact of hot air, as it distributes the flow over a large area. Very often, this nozzle can be replaced by a comb. At proper use of the diffuser excellent styling;
- a nozzle in the form of a semicircular comb will make it possible to straighten curly hair;
- The straightener is also designed to give curly hair more smoothness. A good effect with its use can be achieved by using an iron after a semicircular comb;
- nozzle-curling to create small curls;
- a concentrator allowing you to use the device directly for sushi hair.

Some types of nozzles for hair dryers

A round brush with retractable teeth makes it easy to work with tangled hair
Complete with a hairdryer, regardless of whether it is professional or intended for use at home, most often there is only a hub and a diffuser. If you need to straighten your hair or create curls, you will have to use other various hairdressing tools (read features of hair straightening with a hairdryer) In this case, when working with a hair dryer, only one hand will be involved, but with a hairdryer and a comb, you must use two at once.

Diffuser for hairdryer
Thus, answering the question what is still better when using a hair dryer or a special hair dryer, a clear answer will not be possible. In this case, everyone chooses a device that is more convenient to use and achieve the desired result. If the main selection criterion is quick hair drying, it is better to purchase a powerful hair dryer for home use. And if, in addition to drying, a person needs to constantly style his hair, and at the same time he does not have the opportunity to purchase two devices at once, then it is better to give your preference to a hair dryer.
We recommend that you read the article: What is a diffuser in a hairdryer and why is it needed.