Only small bags allowed on board
Today, the services of aviation companies are regularly used, and flights are a frequent occurrence. But many travelers are primarily interested in questions about things that are allowed to carry with you. One of the most popular: is it possible to take a hair dryer on a plane as hand luggage? After all, there are items included in the register of essentials, especially a lot of these in the female half of the population. And if you take into account that airlines regularly change the rules for the transport of personal items, then this issue is relevant for all passengers today. And so that there are no unnecessary problems and headaches, let's clarify this issue of concern to many in advance.

Hairdryer on hand luggage on the plane: allowed?
Is it possible to take a hair dryer on a plane like hand luggage?
Employees of aviation companies claim that it is not forbidden to carry hair dryers in hand luggage, especially when it comes to expensive equipment and it will be calmer to keep it close. Moreover, it is very important to properly pack up your belongings: keep the most valuable and necessary things at hand, and leave the rest in your luggage. For many women, electric hairstyles are included in the catalog of valuable things, so they prefer to take their hair dryer on the plane with hand luggage. This is not prohibited by the rules, since this item for drying hair is powered by electricity and is harmless when turned off, which corresponds to safety precautions. In addition, it is allowed to carry several kilograms in hand luggage (the exact number must be checked with a specific airline) of things. If the norm is exceeded, then the passenger runs the risk of being fined for an excess of every kilogram. This nuance should be taken into account if you intend to take a hair dryer in your luggage with hand luggage. And it’s better to disassemble and carefully pack the electric device in the bag.

Before flying, it is recommended to disassemble and pack the hair dryer.
What is allowed to take on a plane?
Before the flight, it is recommended to make a list with the list of the most necessary things, only those that will be needed during the flight, and which you simply do not want to check in your luggage. Weigh your desires in parallel with the possibilities, this will help you sort everything correctly. In addition to the electric device necessary for most ladies, such as a hair dryer in hand luggage, the following things are also allowed on the plane:
- Products Hard and dry food: nuts, waffles, crackers, sweets, chips, etc. Other consistency of food is considered a liquid form, which is packed in a container.
- The drinks. Any in plastic, glass and cardboard containers, but with restrictions in milliliters. The volume should be specified at a specific airport.
- Gadgets If phones, laptops, cameras and camcorders are compact in size, then keeping them near you is not prohibited. This also applies to hair styling devices.
- Medication. There are no restrictions for the solid form, for liquids - a maximum of 100 ml. Aerosols - in luggage, many aviation companies forbid taking thermometers.
- Cosmetics. Again, for liquids (perfumes and lotions) there is a limit of 100 ml. All products must be placed in transparent plastic packaging.
- Hygiene. You can: napkins, pads, toilet paper, toothpaste. It is impossible: deodorizing agents, since they are under high pressure.
- Leisure. It is allowed to take everything that will help you to have a good time: magazines, books, puzzles, drawing albums, board games (without sharp objects).
After carefully examining the registry and specifying details with the airline, each passenger must decide what it will take with him on the plane for the duration of the flight, and which of the things is best left in the luggage compartment.

Items allowed for transportation with you on the plane.
What is forbidden to take with hand luggage?
There are a lot of things that are allowed to be taken on an airplane, and it’s more convenient for many to have on hand, first of all, a register of items that are strictly forbidden for carrying in hand luggage. There are quite a few such things, but we will give the most dangerous of them:
- Highly flammable objects. These include lighters, aerosols, midges sprays, hair sprays / foams, deodorants, gas cans.
- Cutting / piercing objects. These are scissors, nail files, knives, needles, pins, blades, knitting needles and a corkscrew. Syringes can be transported only with help from a doctor.
- Miscellaneous. Adhesive tape, hockey sticks, fishing rods, skates, manicure set, toys in the form of weapons. As well as thermometers, canned goods and products in vacuum packaging.
Separate mention is required by animals. As a rule, they are allowed to be transported only in the luggage compartment, but it all depends on the circumstances. If all the certificates are available, the aviation company may make an exception and allow the transportation of hand luggage.

Items prohibited for hand luggage.