The presence of unwanted facial hair worries not only representatives of the male half of humanity, but also the female. But if the stubble on the chin does not spoil the appearance of the man, but rather gives it a certain brutality and masculinity, then its appearance is not permissible for a woman, which limits the possibility of using a razor. It was in order to help women cope with such a delicate problem, and a mechanical compact epilator for the face was created.

Shaving is an unacceptable way to combat unwanted hair for women
What is a mechanical facial epilator?

The principle of operation of a mechanical epilator for the face
A mechanical epilator for the face is a simple device consisting of a durable wire, wound in a spiral, and equipped with handles for ease of use. The principle of its action is to capture even very short facial hair with metal turns and pulling them out with the root. Currently, there are two main forms of such an epilator. The first option is a direct spring element, at both ends of which small handles are located, and the second consists of a nozzle spring located between the handles arranged according to the scissors principle. The choice of one or another embodiment depends on the ease of use, which can be felt only after independent use of the device.

Durable spiral-wound wire is the working tool of a mechanical epilator
To remove hair from the face, it is necessary that the spring of the epilator be bent in the form of an inverted letter “U”. Sliding metal coils of a mechanical epilator on the skin should be carried out against hair growth. After getting them between the turns of the spiral, you just need to turn the device, and all the hair on this part of the face will be removed. If this does not happen, then grabbing and pulling out the hair can be done several more times until the desired result is achieved.
If it is difficult for the epilator to grab hairs on the face due to the embossed surface, then during the procedure you can inflate your cheeks or stretch the skin on your chin, that is, perform those actions that will lead to the alignment of hard-to-reach spots. The quality of the result will improve with each subsequent procedure.
We recommend you to familiarize yourself with: choose the best female facial epilator.

During hair removal, the spring should be bent in the form of an inverted letter “U”

To tear out the hair with the root, it is necessary to scroll the epilator, moving it at the same time against their growth

To increase the efficiency of hair removal during the procedure, you can inflate your cheeks
Features and benefits of the epilator
The main advantages of a mechanical epilator for the face include:
- small size, which allows you to always have it at hand and use as needed. Such an epilator can remove hair from the entire surface of the face, including removing vegetation above the upper lip, as well as in the eyebrow area;
- when using a current source or batteries, it does not require its use everywhere, including in rooms with high humidity;
- pulling out hairs from the root allows you to forget about unwanted vegetation for two to four weeks, and a violation of the structure leads to a gradual softening and thinning of the hairs;
- ease of maintenance: it is enough to rinse the spring under water and dry it properly.If necessary, the epilator can be treated with a disinfectant for safer use;
Epilation helps keep skin smooth for up to four weeks.
- the joint work of a large number of turns of the spiral at once makes it possible to make the procedure as quick as possible.
But like other types of epilators, a mechanical spring designed for use on the face has a number of disadvantages, the main number of which include:
- significant pain during hair removal;
- the possibility of irritation on the skin, as well as ingrown hair.
If in the process of hair removal a woman experiences too much pain, then before the procedure, you can use various types of local anesthetics. They will cause numbness of the skin for a short time, which will greatly reduce the pain experienced. Epilators, which are designed specifically for the face, are presented in the consumer market in a small assortment, the principle of their operation is similar, which significantly limits the choice, but at the same time the question of which one is better to choose will not arise.
Read also: electric filament epilator - pros and cons.
The use of a mechanical epilator for the face and skin care after
The main stages of skin treatment by means of a mechanical epilator for the face include:
- skin cleaning: it is necessary to wash and use a scrub to remove keratinized skin particles. The best moment for hair removal is the period after a shower or bath. It is at this moment that the skin is maximally steamed, the pores on the face are open, which means that the removal of hairs will occur as painlessly as possible. In this case, immediately before the procedure, it is necessary that the skin is dry;
Skin cleansing is a necessary step before hair removal
- facial hair removal should be performed when the spring moves against growth without strong pressure. Passing through the same place should be performed several times, but no more than four, which will inevitably lead to irritation;
- skin soothing: after the procedure is completed, it is necessary to wipe the treated area with an alcohol-free tonic, hydrogen peroxide or chamomile broth;
- moisturizing the skin with a cream.
The best time of day for hair removal is the evening before bedtime. The skin after hair removal will inevitably turn red, and irritation may appear on it. If you apply a composition with a healing effect on the skin, then during the night it will have time to recover, and the face will acquire a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.
Find out, What care does a Philips epilator require?.
Review of the best models
To date, mechanical epilators designed to remove facial hair are presented in two main types, the best of them, according to women, include:
- Epistick is a good face epilator in the form of a straight spring with handles on both its edges. The weight of the device does not exceed 15 grams, which allows you to have it with you and use it at any time. It does not require special care, but at the same time it is ideal for removing vellus hair from the face;
- De. Co - one of the most common models of mechanical epilators, handles are made in the form of scissors. It is a small-sized mechanism, consisting of two handles crossed between each other, and a spring stretched between them. Easy to use and does not take up much space in a cosmetic bag.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with rated the best female epilators.
De. Co
Thus, in order to get rid of unwanted facial hair, you can use a special type of mechanical spring epilator. This is most likely to cope even with the shortest and thinnest hair. This type of epilator is one of the most affordable. Very often, the use of this device does not lead to tearing, but to tearing off the hairs, which causes rapid further growth.But this effect in most cases occurs with inexperienced use, regular use of such an epilator in the future will help to ensure perfectly clean and smooth skin.
Read also: choose the best female epilator.