Recently, photoepilation has become one of the most popular ways to solve the problem of unwanted hair on the body and face. And today, in order to carry it out, it is not necessary to visit the salon, since an appliance acceptable for household use can be bought in a store. In this case, before buying, you need to find out which photoepilator is better, which model to choose and which parameters you must first pay attention to.
Find out, Does the photoepilator harm.

Photoepilation is a reliable and painless way to deal with unwanted hair
The principle of photoepilation
Photoepilation, or scientifically photothermolysis, is a painless hardware procedure aimed at removing hair on the body and face. It is applicable to both women and men. The device is based on the creation of a broadband light pulse acting on the pigment melanin, which is responsible for the color of the hair. In other words, the effect of light on melanin, which converts it into thermal energy and causes the hair to heat over its entire length, leads to the destruction of the hair follicle, without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Photoepilation result
Obtaining a result when using photoepilation is possible only if the hair is in the growth stage - anagen. And such hairs on the body during the procedure can be only about 30%. Therefore, in order to get rid of all the vegetation, it is necessary to perform at least five and up to 20 procedures. In this case, with each subsequent session, the hairs become lighter and thinner. The effectiveness of the method is higher for dark and coarse hair. On fluffy, very light and gray hair, the effect of a light pulse does not have a negative effect.
About how to get rid of facial hair with a mechanical epilator, read here.

Hair removal during photoepilation is only possible when it is in a growth stage
Use photoepilator at home, you can for any part of the human body, namely:
- for lower and upper limbs;
- for armpits;
- for the abdomen;
- for the bikini zone;
- for face.
The use of a photoepilator does not require professional skills and special training other than reading the operating instructions.
The main advantages of photoepilation include:
- the absence of any noise during the performance of work;
- acceptability for very sensitive skin;
- the lack of likelihood of skin injury with proper use of the device, as well as minimizing the possibility of ingrown hair;
- long lasting effect.

You can even use photoepilation for very sensitive skin.
If the skin was exposed to the photoepilator for a longer time than that recommended in the instructions, then burns, blisters and scars may appear on the skin. To avoid this, you must strictly follow all the rules and adhere to the recommendations.
Compare photoepilator with a laser epilator and choose which is better.
Before you buy a device for photoepilation at home, you must always consult a dermatologist. To perform this procedure, a number of contraindications must be taken into account, the main ones include:
- chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema;
- the presence on the skin of injuries and inflammations, as well as a “brown” tan after prolonged exposure to the sun;
- the presence of a tattoo;
- taking steroids and other medicines that increase the sensitivity of the skin to light exposure;
- the possibility of allergic reactions to light;
- pregnancy and lactation.

The presence of a tattoo on the skin is a contraindication for photoepilation
How to choose a photoepilator for home use
Despite the fact that the apparatus for photoepilation both in professional salons and at home, has the same principle of operation, the result from their use can differ significantly. In addition, the amount of time the hair does not appear on the skin is greatly influenced by the type of hair and epidermis, as well as the color of the hairs.
Check out contraindications to the use of a photoepilator at home.
The device for home photo epilation in appearance is similar to a small hairdryer. Each of them has certain characteristics that need to be addressed first of all in search of an answer to the question of how to choose a photoepilator, namely:
- light pulse power, the average value of which is 5 J / cm2. This indicator explains the degree of safety during use;
- the area of the light flash, that is, its exposure zone, the average value of which is 5 cm2. When this indicator decreases, the number of flashes for processing the entire surface of the skin increases, which affects the duration of the procedure;
- lamp life, which is limited to a certain number of flashes. If after a certain time of use the number of flashes reaches its maximum value, the lamp must be replaced. Therefore, the higher this indicator, the better, especially if the household appliance does not involve replacing the lamp. This indicator today lies in the range from 750 to 300 thousand outbreaks. To process the body in one procedure, with an average value of the power of the light pulse and the area of exposure, 600 flashes must be performed;
- equipment, which may include goggles, wipes for cleaning the device and a spray for the skin, a cooling gel, an anti-inflammatory cream and a case;
- power supply of the device, which can be carried out both from the mains and from rechargeable batteries, the capacity of which should be enough for an hour and a half of use
- additional settings that will allow you to independently adjust the device according to the degree of intensity of the light pulse in accordance with the type of skin and hair.
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Fully equipped allows you to better perform the photoepilation procedure and conveniently store the device
Among other things, answering the question of how to choose the right photoepilator for the home, you need to take the device in your hands and evaluate the convenience of holding it. It should not be too big or small, the weight should be optimal even with a long hold in the hand. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer of the device. The most famous include Philips, Beurer, Remington, E-one, Silk’n and Rio Dezac.
The main differences between professional photoepilators from household
The principle of operation and use of a household photoepilator is exactly the same as a professional one. But still, there are significant differences between these devices, which affect not only the cost of the device, but also its effectiveness. The power of the light pulse in professional models can reach 19 J / cm2, while the average value for household models is approximately 5 J / cm2. This explains the lower efficiency of household photoepilators, and in most cases the latter value is not enough to completely destroy the hair root, and after a certain time it begins to grow again. For this reason, if you need to get rid of hair, it is always better to visit a salon with professional equipment.When using a home appliance, the amount of hair on the body, of course, can significantly decrease, since for the destruction of some of them this power will be enough. But there are not very many such hairs on the body, and most likely it will not work to get rid of the majority forever.
Otherwise, professional and household models are similar to each other. They help for a long enough time to get rid of unwanted hair without the pain inherent in other procedures. It is for this reason that such hair removal has become one of the most popular methods of hair removal.
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Step-by-step photoepilation
Use a home photoepilator is necessary only when certain rules are followed, namely:
- lack of direct exposure to ultraviolet rays two weeks before the procedure, since tanned areas of the skin are more likely to get burned during the procedure, this epidermis contains a large amount of melanin;
- shaving, which must be done two to three days before hair removal, so that the length of the hairs is not more than one to three millimeters;
- the lack of antibiotics, tranquilizers and antipsychotics, which not only can reduce the sensitivity of follicles to light exposure, but also provoke the appearance of burns.
Find out, which epilator for the bikini and leg area is better to choose.

Shaving hair is one of the important steps in preparing for photoepilation
The technique for performing the process of photoepilation is as follows:
- setting the required parameters on the device;
- treating the skin with a cleansing and exfoliating agent to remove dead skin particles. For the procedure, abrasive cosmetic compositions cannot be used;
- drying the skin with a towel and applying a cooling gel, which will simultaneously be a conductor of flashes of light to the hair follicles;
- the procedure in pre-worn safety glasses;
- applying anti-inflammatory cream to the treated area;
- expectation of the result: hair loss can occur over five to seven days;
- performing the following procedure no earlier than four to six weeks.
If the anti-inflammatory cream did not come with the device for photoepilation, then it can be replaced with compounds such as Bepanten or Panthenol. Swelling and redness on the skin, if they appear, should pass after two to three days. Otherwise, consult a doctor.
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Review of the best models of photoepilators
In order not to make a mistake, which of the existing photoepilators is better to choose for home use, it is worth taking a closer look at the best models to date, which include:
- Braun IPL BD 5001 with a resource of 300 thousand flashes and a smart skin sensor Intelligent SensoAdapt. This device can be used with confidence to remove facial hair, without fear of the appearance of burns and scars. The disadvantages include work only from the network and the lack of a cover in the kit. In addition to the epilator comes the Gillette Venus razor;
Braun IPL BD 5001
- Hee HR Mini with a resource of 200 thousand flashes, eight modes of operation, a skin sensor and a display for displaying settings. The device is powered by mains and internal battery. The lack of a cover can be called the only drawback of the device. Works with all parts of the body, including bikinis, armpits, back, legs, arms and face;
Hee HR Mini
- Silk’n Glide 50K with a resource of 50 thousand flashes, a built-in skin tone sensor and adjustable photo hair removal speed (five modes). Light flash covers an area of 3.5 cm2. The device works only from the network, is stored in a special case, which is included. Among the shortcomings of the Silk’n Glide 50K, one can distinguish a form that is inconvenient for a female hand, the lack of backlighting, and the inability to replace the lamp.
Best foot epilator - Rating of models and characteristics.

Silk’n Glide 50K
pay attention to rating of the best photoepilators for home.