Each representative of a strong half of humanity should choose between absolutely smooth facial skin, light unshaven or a beautifully trimmed beard and mustache. But in any case, using a razor is an absolute must to achieve a truly neat look. A huge number of all kinds of razors that can be seen on store shelves can cause confusion when buying this device. Therefore, before making a choice, it is necessary to learn about the features, properties, pros and cons of devices for this purpose, one of the types of which also includes an electric razor with a mesh working tool.
Mesh Electric Shaver
Features of mesh electric shavers
A mesh electric razor is a device designed to remove excess hair from the face and neck and other adjacent areas of the skin on the male body. Its design includes a cutting mechanism in the form of a knife block, directly the mesh itself, the electric drive and the housing. In the process of using this device, when the mesh touches the face, the hair falls into the holes located on it and is cut off with a knife. The mesh at the same time protects the skin from mechanical damage, and also helps to lift the hairs, which are very strongly pressed to the treated surface.
See also: overview models of razors with beard nozzles.
To achieve a better result, a modern mesh electric razor can be equipped with not one, but several, namely 2, 3 or 4 knives, each of which is covered with its own mesh. The greater the number of grids in an electric shaver, the more clean and smooth skin can be achieved with its use. In addition, the holes in them can be located at different angles, ensuring the capture of hairs growing in different directions. Almost all models of razors with a mesh cutting unit are characterized by the presence in their design of a trimmer designed to trim the mustache, beard and hair on the temples, in order to give them the desired shape.
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4-blade mesh electric shaver

The location of the holes in the mesh at different angles provides the ability to shave the hairs growing in different directions
We’ll help you decide which is better: mesh or rotary electric shaver.
Mesh Shaver Properties
For ease of use, a modern mesh electric razor can be equipped with additional functions that provide their positive properties, the main of which include:
- possibility of wireless use. The electric grid razor modern can be powered by either AC or DC power, or from batteries. Each of these types has advantages and disadvantages. With the existing cord that connects the shaver to the electrical network during operation, it can limit the free movement of a person, and such a device can only be used in places where there is an electric current source. Rechargeable razors are more convenient to use, they can be used in absolutely any place. But at the same time, this razor has a significant drawback, which is expressed in the limited capacity of the battery, and if at some point it is not recharged, then its use becomes impossible.The best option in this case can be called models whose operation is possible both from the network and from the battery, allowing at any time to use the razor for its intended purpose;
About features electric shaver read in our article.

Having a display on the case will help control the battery charge.
- the possibility of using for wet shaving, that is, with a previously applied gel, foam, or other product intended for this purpose. This will help to make shaving not only better, but also to prevent various irritations from appearing. In order for the use of such a razor to be possible, the shaving product must be washed off from the working tool and most often this can be done using ordinary water. Therefore, razors for wet shaving are moisture resistant, and you can use them even when taking a shower;
How to create an unshaven effect with razors for stiff bristles, read here.
- Be sure to rinse the knives after each use.
- self-cleaning, which is implemented by using a special docking station in which a cartridge with liquid is installed. After installing the razor in the appropriate compartment of the dock with the liquid, the system washes and cleans the cutting tools, which ensures the complete absence of hairs from the previous shave and prolongs the life of the knives. In addition, installation in it is a convenient way to recharge the device for wireless use. Very often, there are several indicators on it that inform the user about the cleansing and filling of the battery capacity.

Self cleaning function
Pros and cons of mesh razors
The main advantage that any mesh electric shaver has is the acceptability of use for sensitive skin. Moreover, the quality of the result may not be exactly what a man would like to see. But this can be said about the electric shavers of the past generation, when the grid was quite thick.
About models suitable for sensitive skin, read here.
Today, the quality of shaving with electric razors has become much higher, since in addition to sharing several cutting tools, floating heads and a special arcuate shape of knives, the mesh has become much thinner, which allows the hairs to go almost completely into the holes. In addition, holes on razor meshes began to be placed at different angles, which makes it possible to grab hair with different growth directions and lift them even if they are too close to the skin surface. But it should be borne in mind that the grids of such devices are quite fragile and inaccurate use can lead to rapid breakdown, after which their further use is impossible, as this can lead to skin damage. In this case, the replacement of the cutting unit is necessary, and very often the cost of such consumables is even very substantial.
May be interesting: self-sharpening razor blades.
Prices and models of the best mesh electric shavers
In order for the choice of mesh razor to be made correctly and not to bring disappointment in the future, you can turn your attention to the best models in this lineup, which include:
- Braun Series 9 9290cc with a Clean & Charge unit (price 32 tr) and Braun 9240s Series 9 (price 20 to 25 tr) the difference in which is the presence in the first model of a special station for charging and cleaning. These razors with confidence can be called the most modern and multifunctional. Thanks to the use of smart technology, SyncroSonic, which monitors the density of the processed bristles and facial contours and adjusts engine power based on the data received.A high-quality shaving result is achieved by the work of a system consisting of a group of elements, namely Direct & Cut and HyperLift & Cut trimmers with a titanium coating, which cut the hairs growing in different directions, as well as lift and remove those that are pressed against the skin as much as possible, two Opti Foil nets and floating shavers heads with independent cutting elements to ensure the most accurate shave and SkinGuard technology to soften and protect the skin. These electric shavers are waterproof; they can be used for both dry and wet shaving. In order to have an accurate idea of the possible use of the device without a cord, a 5-level indicator is on the case. The battery life is at least 50 minutes, and the battery is fully charged for 60 minutes;
Check also the characteristics of men's wet shavers.
Braun Series 9 9290cc
- Panasonic ES-LT8N (price from 13 to 18 tr) is a premium model designed for shaving sensitive skin. By quality. It is not inferior to reliability and functionality even to the most modern Braun razors, but at the same time it wins at a lower cost, making its purchase more affordable. The advantages of this device include the presence of a multi-movable 3D head, the cutting of hair of which is carried out by three arcuate blades, due to which the contours of the face are repeated. Depending on the thickness of the bristle hairs, the razor adjusts the motor power and shaving speed, while achieving minimal negative impact on the skin. The razor case is metallic, the kit includes a cleaning station, which helps to conveniently care for the device and keep blades sharp for longer. Using the device is possible for both dry and wet shaving for 45 minutes without interruption. Battery full charge time 60 minutes;
Panasonic ES-LT8N
- Braun 760cc Series 7 (price from 16 to 20 tr) is ideal for shaving men even with very sensitive skin. The convenient razor body makes it easy to use it even in the shower, and the presence of an indicator of the need for cleaning, replacing knives and the required recharging will always allow you to have a completely ready-to-use device on hand. In this case, the only drawback is the expensive cartridge used in the cleaning cup, which often causes users to rinse razor head under running water, which in turn can negatively affect the duration of the device. The use of the Braun 760cc Series 7 is possible both when connected to the mains and from the battery. Moreover, in the second case, the device can be used continuously for 50 minutes. And it takes 60 minutes to fully charge the battery.
We recommend reading: the best men's electric shaver 2017-2018.

Panasonic ES-LT8N
Thus, knowing all the features, properties, pros and cons of mesh razors, you can immediately understand the acceptability of her purchase. Modern models are very high quality and can achieve excellent results in the process of shaving. But the cost of such devices is not small, but in this case the savings will not lead to anything good. In addition, choosing non-cheap models, you can count on very convenient use, since many of them have a self-cleaning function, they can be used for both wet and dry shaving, as well as anywhere, since the battery capacity providing the required power is enough for a long time.
Some models do not have a self-cleaning function, so it’s useful to find out how clean the razor without any mistakes.