A traditional shaving device in the form of a disposable or reusable machine requires a sufficiently large amount of time to achieve a good result of this procedure. In addition, in the process of applying foam or shaving gel, as well as running water, are mandatory components of this process, but even in some cases they do not allow to avoid cuts and skin irritations. That is why electric razors for men are gaining more and more popularity among consumers every year. And one of the types of such devices is a rotary electric shaver, which has its own properties and advantages compared to other devices for this purpose.
ABOUT varieties of complete razors with nozzles read in our article.

Electric shaver
What are rotary electric shavers
A rotary electric shaver is a reusable shaver that uses round-shaped blades that protect the human skin with a metal mesh as a working tool. The principle of operation of a rotary electric shaver is to set the motor in motion with an eccentric gear, which transmits torque to the blades moving as a result of this relative to the fixed head mesh. The hair on the surface of the skin after contact with the head falls into its holes, where it is trimmed.
Recommended reading: choose an electric shaver for sensitive skin.

Mesh and shaving knives
In order to achieve a better result rotary shaver head supplied with two, three, four or even five heads. The larger the number of heads on a rotary razor, the faster the skin becomes smooth when used. In order for the razor to come into contact with the skin more closely in contact with the skin, following the contours of the face, they are made floating. Modern devices, unlike older models, can eliminate even the toughest bristles in a single “pass”, which in turn reduces the risk of irritation. And if earlier rotary razors were absolutely not suitable for use by people with very sensitive skin, with the beginning of using various latest technologies, this device has become more versatile. But as before, in order for the shaving result to fully satisfy the user, it is necessary not only to constantly monitor its cleanliness, but also to use lubricant periodically.
Head Shaver: Feature Comparison read different models in our article.

Floating heads
Properties of rotary razors
Modern rotary electric shaver It can be equipped with one or several additional functions that make its application even more comfortable and convenient. The main positive properties achieved by using such additional functions include:
- the possibility of wireless use, which allows the device to be used anywhere, regardless of the presence of an electric current source in it. In order to make this possible, the electric shaver has a built-in battery, which in turn is charged by electricity. Some razor models can work both when using the cable, and without it, powered by a battery. If the battery is recharged through a special docking station, using the device from the network becomes impossible, which can be attributed to its shortcomings;
- the ability to choose wet or dry shaving modes to achieve the best result.The skin of each person has its own individual characteristics, so for some, the use of foam or shaving gel allows you to achieve a better result and avoid the appearance of irritation. It is in this case that you can use the wet shaving mode, but at the same time understand that inside the razor heads more favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of harmful bacteria, therefore washing the mesh and blades in this case is extremely necessary;
Find out about Razor features for stiff bristles.
Wet shaving with a rotary electric razor
- the ability to trim whiskey, beard or mustache using a special trimmer. Re-equipped in this way the rotary electric razor becomes more practical and versatile, as it allows you to combine two different devices in one purpose;
Rotary Shaver Trimmer
- self-cleaning of razor blades and knives with a special disinfectant, the process of which is carried out in a special compartment of the docking station. In most cases, this component allows you to not only better rinse all elements of the razor contaminated during use, but also charge it.
List of the most top shavers 2017-2018 read here.

The principle of self-cleaning function

Docking station for charging and self-cleaning blades
Advantages and prices
The main advantages of rotary electric shavers can be considered on the models presented today in the series of these devices of such a well-known manufacturer as philips. The main advantages of these electric shavers are:
- achieving an excellent result - smooth and clean skin, even if the razor is used for very stiff bristles;
- floating heads, which are present in all modern models, perfectly cope with hair of any type;
- a sufficiently large battery capacity in wireless devices, as well as the presence of an indicator that allows you to control the level of its consumption;
- waterproof case of the device;
- the ability to use for both dry and wet shaving.
Recommended reading: wet shaving with an electric razor.
You can understand the advantages of using these devices by the example of the best models of rotary electric shavers Phillips, namely:
- Phillips RQ1175 with excellent functionality and at the same time affordable price up to 10 tr The Aquatec system allows you to use the device for both wet and dry shaving, while achieving excellent results in both cases. GyroFlex 2D technology allows the heads to completely follow the contours of the face, while significantly reducing pressure on the surface, ensuring no irritation after use. The latter effect is enhanced by SkinGlide technology, which consists in the smooth running of shaving heads. The DualPrecision blade system shaves first long and then short hairs, raising them high, providing the required smoothness to the skin. The full charge time of the battery is 60 minutes, and its capacity will last for 50 minutes using the razor without a break. The shaving head can be cleaned under running water. On the case there is a battery charge indicator, as well as a button that allows you to block the device from accidentally turning on during transportation;
How to choose a razor for travel, read our article on electric shaver functions.
- Phillips RQ1175
- Philips S7720 Shaver 7000 series with an average cost of 18 tr Five-way heads of the modern DynamicFlex rotary electric shaver have a special coating Comfort rings, which consists of many micro-granules that create a flexible soft layer. This coating provides a smooth glide on the skin of the face, which greatly reduces the risk of irritation even for owners of very sensitive skin. SkinGlide and DualPrecision technologies are also developed in the manufacture of this device.A significant advantage of this model can be called the presence of a removable trimmer, the correct use of which makes it possible to very accurately trim the whiskey, beard or mustache, as well as a dock system designed to charge and clean the device. The battery capacity, which reaches a full charge in 1 hour, is enough for 50 minutes of use. This razor is ideal for both dry and wet shaving, after which the working head can also be washed under running running water;
Find out which razor is better - mesh or rotary.

Philips S7720
- Philips S7510 and an approximate cost of about 12 tr is an ideal option for those who do not want to spend money on add-ons such as a docking station, but do not want to lose as a result of shaving. This model has all the same advantages as the two previous models with the only difference from the S7720 in the absence of self-cleaning and charging at the dock. Otherwise, its characteristics are very similar, and use allows you to achieve the ideal result after shaving in the form of clean and smooth skin and the absence of irritation.

Philips S7510
There are no rotary devices in the range of electric shavers. This manufacturer only produces mesh electric shavers, therefore, you do not need to look for a suitable option among its models of this type. In addition to Philips, Panasonics razors also have good indicators of shaving quality and ease of use, which makes their range also suitable for selection.
Check also benefits of using a t-razor.