The range of electric shavers offered to consumers can be divided into two main types: rotary and mesh devices. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let’s figure out which electric razor is still better - rotary or mesh, and how they can differ from each other.

Which is better - rotary or mesh electric shaver?
What is a rotary electric shaver
A rotary razor is a device with a working mechanism in the form of a disk, under which a blade is located. In most older models, the cutting units were mounted on fixed heads. Today, for all such devices, the working tool has a floating stroke, due to which the hairs shave better, and the razor gently follows the contours of the face when moving.

Electric Shaver Knives
During operation of the rotary device, the upper block, in contact with the skin, begins to lift the hairs, while the second blade cuts them off. In order for the hairs to reach the lower blade, special holes are made in the upper block that allow the bristles to pass, while not allowing the skin to come into contact with the sharp blade. Cuts are thus excluded. Modern models of rotary devices have several shaving heads - from two to five. The larger the number of heads, the more effective the device, the more hairs are cut from the skin in one pass.
Find out. what to look for when choosing an electric shaver.

Five razor mesh shaver head, one of which is trimmer
Modern rotary electric shavers provides perfectly smooth skin. A significant drawback of older models is the occurrence of irritation on the skin, especially if the skin is sensitive. But the appearance of damage can be significantly reduced by using a special foam or gel and choosing the mode wet shave, which is available in most modern models.

Wet shaving helps prevent skin irritation.
Features of the mesh electric shaver

Mesh and Knives
AT mesh electric shavers a crank mechanism is installed, consisting of two knives, which are located as close as possible to each other. A special mesh with many holes protects the skin from knives. The hairs fall into the holes and are cut with knives that are under the net.
ABOUT self-sharpening electric razor knives read in our article.
In most devices, the holes in the mesh are located at different angles - so that the hairs growing in different directions are cut.
The razor head in a mesh razor is also floating, repeating the contours of the face.
The main material for the mesh is stainless steel or platinum. The first option is more budgetary, but also less safe for the skin. Platinum, unlike stainless steel, has hygienic properties that prevent the growth of bacteria. In addition, it is a more durable and wear-resistant material, the service life of such a head is longer, and the thickness is less, which provides better shaving.
Earlier in all mesh razors only the stainless steel mesh was installed, it was thicker, respectively, and the distance from the surface of the skin to the knives was greater. Shaving with such a device, although it was less “clean”, was more suitable for owners of sensitive skin, prone to irritation. Now the presence of a grid with a small metal thickness is compensated by the possibility of choosing a more suitable shaving regime - wet or dry.In this case, before the procedure, a gel or foam is applied to the skin, which creates a protective film.
Good to know: compact road shaver features.

Using foam or shaving gel can help prevent skin irritation.
The number of knives in modern mesh razors is from one to four. In this case, the working tool can be supplemented with a trimmer knife located on the edge from the main knives or between them. Also, the device can be understaffed with a trimmer for trimming hair on the temples or cutting eyebrows. Such a tool can be in both rotary and mesh devices.

Optional trimmer in rotary razor
Which razor is better
It is impossible to answer unequivocally which electric razor is better - rotary or mesh, is impossible.
Previously, a rotary version of the razor was used for very stiff bristles to guarantee the best result. After a rotary razor, the skin becomes perfectly smooth, but irritation can occur, which causes discomfort. The mesh version of the razor was more suitable for owners of very sensitive skin, but the same smoothness as the rotary razor could provide with this razor can not be achieved.
May be useful: choice of electric shavers for sensitive skin.
Today, the shortcomings that were previously inherent in both devices have been eliminated: razors have been greatly improved. For sensitive skin, you can use foam or gel and at the same time rinse the shaving head under running water, without fear that it will fail. There are waterproof razors that can be used while taking a shower or bath.
To choose the best electric razorsee rating of men's electric shavers 2017-2018.

Razor knives can be washed under running water
The only thing that can be said in favor of a rotary razor, it is very successful in dealing with long hairs. If for a man a three-day stubble is in the order of things, then it is better to choose a rotary razor, which will cope with long hairs with greater efficiency and faster.
Otherwise, the choice of a shaving device will depend on its other technical characteristics, namely: the type of food, the material of the blades and other elements of the device, the presence of a trimmer and other additional functions.
Power for both versions of razors can be performed either from the network or from the battery, or combine both of these methods. In the first case, the use of the device is possible only if there is an electric current source, and in the second case, the beginning of operation is possible only with a sufficiently charged battery. The charge level is indicated by a special indicator located on the case. The choice of one or another option depends on the preferences of the man and his financial ability, since battery devices are much more expensive.
Consider asindependently disassemble razor braun series 3.

The battery indicator located on the case will help you understand the need to charge the device
Another very convenient feature that both the mesh and rotary razors can have is the ability to self-clean the blades. In this case, an additional station is supplied with the device, in which there is a cartridge with a liquid that provides not only cleaning but also disinfection of knives. The big difference in price between the devices in which this station is located and those where it is not included in the set is explained by the fact that the length of time the blades are in the sharpest condition in the first case is much longer than in the second. That is, for those razors that can be cleaned without human intervention, the purchase and replacement of knives will be required very soon, while manually cleaned knives will become unusable much faster, and for an effective shave you will need to buy a replacement unit. Therefore, if it is possible to purchase a razor with a self-cleaning system, it is better to choose this option.
On the pros and cons of using an electric shaver for wet shaving read here.

Razor self-cleaning station