There are more and more new razor models on the market, and high-quality shaving with minimal damage is becoming more affordable. Choosing an electric razor for yourself is easier. But if it is presented to another person, you need to pay attention to the little things.
Decide on choosing the best electric shaver for men our article will help.
Why electric shaver?
There are disposable shaving machines. But still preference is given to electric. There are several reasons:
- Disposable machines will have to be changed regularly. You need to buy new ones, therefore, in terms of economy, this option is inferior.
- When using disposable machines, there is a risk of a cut on the skin. In electric shavers, this risk is much lower.
- Sometimes the blades in disposable machines are not as sharp as necessary. Therefore, it is difficult to remove stiff bristles.
- When shaving with disposable machines, there is a chance that skin irritation will occur. To prevent it, install a protective strip with a gel. But at the same time, this protective strip can cause an allergic rash.
- The electric shaver works by itself, and its speed is much higher.
- For disposable machines, shaving foam and water are a must.
- You can shave and do something else at the same time, for example, talk on the phone. When using the machine, you need to be focused on the process.
- You can shave and move around the room freely.
But still, electric razors have disadvantages:
- The quality of the shave may be slightly lower than that of the machine you just bought. But at the same time, the quality of the machine decreases with time, while that of the electric shaver remains the same.
- A good electric shaver is expensive. But at the same time, disposable machines require the constant purchase of new blades, foam and the use of moisture. Therefore, in terms of saving the electric shaver is still more profitable.
- With constant shaving, the skin may become a little rough.
- If wrong choose an electric shaverThere is a risk of irritation.
Nevertheless, the drawbacks of disposable machines are much greater, because preference is given to electric shavers, and the demand for them is constantly growing.
Good to know: pros and cons of a rotary electric shaver.
How to choose an electric shaver?
It all depends on the skin: if it is sensitive, options with a retractable trimmer are best suited to remove long bristles. More on shavers for sensitive skin in our article.
For some men, the most important thing is a charging system or automatic cleaning. Hair very often gets stuck between the blades, it is quite difficult to remove them with your hands. Therefore, in many models a cleaning system is installed in the stand: you need to put the razor on the stand and wait until the moment you have to shave again.
For travelers it is important to have a battery. This will allow you to use a razor if you do not have access to electricity.
There are several buttons on electric shavers, they can launch various functions:
- Shaving speed change.
- Activation of all three heads, and only one.
- Choose between wet and dry shave.
- Changing the power mode - from the mains or battery.
- Very often they put a cooling system on the razor - it is useful for owners of very sensitive skin.
In addition, on modern models of electric shavers there is a USB connector that allows you to charge the device through a computer or laptop.
Compare different wet shaver models.
Types of Electric Shavers
There are two types of electric shavers:
- Grid.
- Rotary.
They differ in the mechanism of hair cutting. To understand which one is right for you, consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options.
Mesh and rotary electric shaver
In mesh razors, the blades oscillate. In addition, they are installed behind a protective net.
The rotary system uses a rotation system, and the blades are mounted behind a round surface. The number of circles can be from one to three.
It is impossible to say that of the two options listed, some are better and some are worse. It all depends on some parameters:
- Type of skin and bristles.
- Device model and additional options.
- Shaving style.
New models rotary razors allow you to use water when shaving.
Many razors install additional features. This is good, but sometimes it prevents high-quality shaving. After all, the main task of the device is to remove facial hair with a minimum of damage and irritation.
For rotary devices, shaving quality is slightly higher, but the risk of cuts or skin irritation is slightly higher.
How to choose an electric shaver? What should I pay attention to?
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with beard razors.
To choose the right shaver, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:
- Price: as a rule, the lower it is, the worse the quality.
- The best manufacturers on the market today are Panasonic, Braun and Philips.

Braun Series 9 9240 Wet & Dry

Philips AT750 / 16
It will be interesting: stiff bristle effect.
- It is worth paying attention to the speed with which the blades move: the higher it is, the better the shaving. In addition, at high speed, the skin will not come in contact with the knives, therefore there will be no damage or irritation.
- Shaving is considered an unpleasant procedure. Therefore, you need to choose a razor that will be as comfortable as possible, in particular, we are talking about a pen. When choosing a rotary electric shaver, the number of circles is taken into account.
- Basic equipment: it makes no sense to buy a razor with a bunch of additional functions if the basic equipment does not work well.
- Speed: if you need to shave as quickly as possible, choose a razor with two or three heads.
- Head mobility - the ability to change location depending on the shape of the face. For shaving to be comfortable, the heads must be floating.
- The presence of a trimmer. The trimmer is a retractable nozzle that allows you to trim the beard without cutting it completely. Suitable for those who want to reduce the length of the bristles.
- Power supply. There are three power options: only from the battery, only from the mains, from the mains and the battery at the same time. The latter option is best.
- Additional functions. For example, a window on which the amount of charge will be displayed, or self-cleaning. Models with such features are quite expensive.
- If the preferred option is shaving without foam, in this case it is better to shave before a shower. Steamed skin will interfere with hair removal. In addition, after washing, the bristles become softer and worse to remove.
Read also: self-sharpening of electric razor knives.
Advantages and disadvantages of rotary and mesh electric shavers.
Both versions of electric shavers have pros and cons:
- Rotary - effective if the bristles grow unevenly. But at the same time, such devices can damage the skin.
- Three-head razors have great advantages.
- Rotary works quieter than mesh.
- Braun and Panasonic produce mesh razors, which raises the question of which of these firms is better. It all depends on the technology of shaving: Panasonic has a springy mechanism that allows you to easily remove both long and short hair. Braun follows the contours of the face well. In terms of quality, both product options are equal.
Read also: varieties of complete razors with nozzles.

Philips S5630 / 12

Panasonic ES RT31S 520

Braun Series 3 370 cc
- When choosing a rotary razor, you should pay attention to Philips, whose devices have a unique rotation system.Blades are sharpened independently. Service life is high. In addition, modern models are waterproof.
- The mesh device is not suitable for those who use shaving foam. Rotary allows you to use foam.
Teen razor selection
When the first facial hair appears, you need to think about buying an electric shaver. You can use machines for the first time, because the bristles are small. But over time, there will be more hair, and they will become coarser. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the purchase of electric shavers. In addition, it will be more economical.
Since teenagers have sensitive skin, and the amount of facial hair is minimal, and they are short, it’s better mesh electric razor.
Why is an electric shaver effective for teens?
There are several advantages:
- The likelihood of cuts is lower since the blades will not come in direct contact with the skin.
- The absence of direct contact protects the skin from irritation.
- In adolescents, age acne very often appears on the face. Therefore, shaving with a machine becomes problematic. Electric shavers do not touch the growths on the face.
- Shaving foam can cause an allergic rash. Shavers can be used on dry skin.
- The process of shaving is as quick as possible.
- Ingrown hair will not appear in adolescents.
- Savings on blades, water and foam.
But for effective shaving, it is necessary that the teenager can use the device on their own.
With the right choice of a quality electric shaver, you can be sure that it will last more than ten years.
Read also: types and functions of electric shavers.