In the beauty arsenal of professionals and fashionistas, curlers still occupy an honorable place. The answer to the question of what is curlers is well known. These are devices of various shapes, sizes and stiffnesses to create persistent curls, curls and curls. But in the variety and nuances of using curlers it is worthwhile to understand in more detail.
Which curlers are better for different types of hair
There are many options for curlers. The choice of varieties, diameters and methods of use allows you to count on a good result and find the right approach to hair of any type and length.
Make devices from dozens of materials:
- plastic - the most popular curlers with a large line of diameters. Differ in convenience and ease of use, relatively safe for hair;
- metal is a material common in the past, but aggressive to the hair structure. Thanks to new technologies, the metal base is covered with natural bristles, preventing its contact with the strands;
- wood is a natural material that does not spoil hair and does not electrify them. It is well-proven as a form for chemical and biowaving;
- foam rubber - soft curlers, wound up all night. However, due to their deformation under the weight of the head, the formation of curls can be unpredictable;
- rubber - for small and elastic curls. It injures the hair, so frequent use is not recommended;
- velvet - material for the manufacture of professional styling products. Allows you to do almost any hairstyle without damaging the strand;
- silicone - soft, miniature, unusual shapes (similar to glasses). The wound strands are easily and quickly fixed without loose hairs;
- plastic base covered with Velcro-hedgehogs. There are large, medium and small diameters. They are attached to the hairstyle thanks to the barbed surface and do not leave creases, like fixtures with clamps.
Find out, which thermal curlers are better and safer.

Silicone hair curlers
According to the principle of action, they are divided into:
- ordinary (cold) - wound on wet or dry hair, create curls and locks due to exposure time or chemicals;
- hair curlers - are heated with boiling water or in the microwave. Used for wrapping hot. Hair rods are injured with frequent use and require some skill at work.
- electric hair curlers - a modern analogue of hair curlers. Warming up is carried out using conductive metal rods in a special container. Save time due to quick heating and fix hair for a long time.
Types of accessories according to the styling method:
- boomerangs - devices in the form of flexible rods of various diameters. Wrapped in a loop after wrapping do not require additional fasteners and clamps. The result is perky curls and soft waves;
- whooping cough - to create small curls, curls, hairstyles in the African style;
Whooping cough
- spiral - come with a hard and soft base. Elastic curls are formed along the entire length. Rigid spirals are applicable for spiral curling;
Soft spirals
- cylindrical - universal hair curlers for hair of any length and density. Help make light curls. For elastic curls are not suitable. To achieve the best result, you should choose the right diameter;
Cylindrical Velcro
- conical - create a curl larger at the roots and decreasing towards the tip of the strand.

Cone Curlers
Features of using electric curlers
These modern devices for styling hairstyles are sold in special boxes that are connected to the electrical network to heat the curlers. Each coil is filled with wax, which is heated to a predetermined temperature. The readiness period is from five to 15 minutes. Coil Coating - Teflon, Tourmaline, Ceramics, Velor or Velvet. Gradual heat loss to the hair is the basis for creating curls in this way.

Electric curlers
How to use electric curlers, taking into account the nuances of using thermal coils:
- You can use them on previously washed and dried hair.
- Mandatory use of thermal protective agents.
- To keep the hairstyle long, apply mousse or styling foam. Fixing gels are not recommended. They make strands heavier, volume is lost.
- Like any other thermal effect, electric curlers dry the hairline. With frequent use of thermal styling, it loses its luster and elasticity. Therefore, experts urge the use of hot coils no more than once every seven days, and eliminate them altogether if the hair rods are thin, brittle and split.
- If frequent use is necessary, electric curlers with a ceramic or velor top layer will help. The gentle effect of these materials on the structure of strands has long been known. Therefore, such coatings have professional hairdressing tools for wrapping.
- Securing the lock on the fixture requires some skill. The main thing is to learn to make sure that the hair is not pinched and creases do not form, visually spoiling the appearance of the styling.
- In electric curlers, you need to stay until the coils cool completely, about 15-30 minutes.
- After unwinding, it is wiser not to comb the curls, but slightly fluff and fix with varnish. So styling will keep its shape well.
Care and Safety
It should be remembered that electric curlers, although they are analogous to thermal coils, but according to the principle of heating the working area are radically different.
- In no case should you pour water into a container with coils. This type of thermal curler is not heated by hot water, but by a metal rod through which current flows.
- Do not leave the included container unattended. After heating, it does not automatically turn off, but maintains the temperature at the proper level. Therefore, the installation will work almost continuously, which will lead to burnout of the device.
- After the indicator, which indicates the set temperature, is activated, you must first disconnect the device from the network, only then touch the coils.
- The main difference between the electric curler and the thermovariant is that they are equipped with heat-resistant edges. This allows you to use them without risk of getting burned. But you need to remove the coils from the container correctly, touching the zone protected from heat.
Maintenance of thermal devices is simple. It comes down to regular cleansing of hair and styling residue. It is advisable to avoid falls of accessories, this can lead to their deformation.
Find out, what diameter of curlers will be ideal for long hair.
How to choose curlers for hair type
All varieties of curls and curls on different hair look and keep their shape individually. Which curlers to use to get the best result and not to spoil the structure depends on the type of hair shaft.
- With thin and sparse hair, you should opt for Velcro. These are light curlers that attach well and will not fall off under their own weight. They will add volume, well indicate the shape of the hairstyle. Application is permissible both on wet and on dry locks.
- Fragile and thinned hair requires a careful attitude. Soft foam coils, which are applicable during sleep, are suitable for their installation. Thermal care in this case is undesirable.
- On thick and thick hair, thermal styling works great. It is ideal to use electric curlers of different diameters.Those that are smaller are on the lower layers of the hair, those that are larger are on the upper. Such a scheme will well hold the hairstyle and its volume.
- For short haircuts, Velcro is suitable, as well as plastic, metal, wooden and small diameter electric curlers.
- On the hairline of medium length, you can wind all kinds and types of curlers of medium or slightly larger size.
- Long curls will be handled by spiral devices and large-diameter thermo-or electric curlers. Using Velcro is not practical - they will not hold a large amount.
- Boomerangs are suitable for strands of various lengths, densities and structures. They allow you to create beautiful curls. Styling lasts a long time.
All types and types of accessories for wrapping created and used for a variety of forms of hairstyles. Their choice depends on the ultimate goal and condition of the hair.
Read also: rules for using and choosing large curlers.