Today in the consumer market you can find a huge amount of household appliances, without which before people could easily cope and did not even think about its necessity. Now, residents of urban apartments in high-rise buildings, accustomed to comfort, are trying to acquire such equipment and only after purchasing it they understand what difficulties they had to face before. And one of the types of such modern household appliances can be called drying wardrobes. As the name implies, they are intended for drying clothes, which previously had to be hung on heating appliances or special appliances that are located in the apartment and constrain the already limited space for life.

Oven - modern household appliances
Purpose of ovens and their features
An oven is called a metal structure, in which, in addition to the usual elements of the wardrobe, shoes and hats can be placed and dried. To fulfill his direct purpose, he is equipped with a heater, as well as the necessary automation system, which is responsible for the functionality of the device.

Filling a domestic oven
The main features of this household appliance include:
- safety of all heating equipment, as well as emergency shutdown in the event of voltage surges;
- the presence of natural or forced ventilation;
- equipping with necessary for more convenient use LED lighting, ionizers and flavorings;
- the presence of an information display, a built-in timer and a digital temperature controller;
- the possibility of using additional options and automatic programs, which include time delay, convection drying with setting parameters according to the degree of moisture saturation to achieve the desired result.
Heated to a temperature set by the user, the air causes drying of things quicker than normal indoor conditions. The moisture that is released during the drying process is removed from the device by the means of the ventilation system used. For more convenient placement of things and shoes in the closet there are special shelves, stacks and hooks. Their number and size depends on the dimensions of the equipment itself, as well as the preferences of the manufacturer who manufactured this equipment. This furniture is designed for a standard voltage of 220V, current load not exceeding 6A. Its power indicator can reach 1 kW per section with a maximum heating temperature of 70 degrees Celsius.
For safe use, the scheme of the drying cabinet implies the presence of insulation of a heating element made of two layers of heat-insulating material, which provides protection from direct exposure to moisture. Also for this purpose, a nozzle with a gate is mounted inside, which is intended for a moisture removal device. It is for this reason that when placing a cabinet in an apartment, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of removing humid air through this system. Otherwise, all excess moisture will fall into the room, violating the internal favorable microclimate. In order to prevent warm air from flowing through the walls of the structure, they are equipped with a thermal insulation layer, the optimum thickness of which in this case is from 2 to 3 mm.

The scheme of thermal insulation of the drying cabinet
Types of Drying Ovens
Choosing between a drying cabinet or a more compact dryer for the home, you need to understand their difference between themselves. The main distinguishing feature of ovens from machines with this purpose is the lack of a drum. This is also an indisputable advantage, since things located on hangers and shelves do not wrinkle as they do in the dryer drum. In accordance with the purpose of the device and its filling, all currently existing models can be divided into 3 main types, namely:
- universal, intended for use not only in everyday life, but also in enterprises, the activity of which implies the constant presence of wet things, shoes or various textiles. This version of the drying cabinet involves the equipment of numerous shelves to achieve maximum space filling;

Universal drying oven in the home

Universal oven in the enterprise
- industrial, intended for use in large factories for drying sets of clothes, shoes and hats. A distinctive feature of this technique is its large capacity in comparison with the universal versions of ovens, as well as the fact that their design is collapsible;
Industrial Drying Oven
- children’s intended for drying clothes of preschool children and school students. They are small in both width and height for ease of use by people of small stature.

5-section children's drying cabinet
In addition to the purpose of drying ovens, they differ in the way they remove moist air, which can be either natural or forced. In the first case, moisture through a special pipe is discharged outside the device, and in the second, it remains inside the device, collecting in a special tank of the condensation system. In addition, simpler models of drying ovens do not allow you to adjust the humidity level of things, and if necessary, get things in a wet state, a person must determine this moment independently by checking. More expensive models have this function in themselves, and the drying process stops at the moment when things have exactly the humidity level that is required.
We recommend reading on the site how properly connect the dryer.
Structural scheme, size, shape and material for the manufacture of ovens
All drying cabinets are a rectangular box made using galvanized or stainless steel sheet, which is highly susceptible to high humidity and mechanical stress. In the case of industrial cabinets, metal pipes reinforced with stiffeners are used as the frame of the box. This design feature is necessary due to the significant weight of a large number of sets of clothes.
The inside of the drying cabinet is also made of sheet material in the form of a rectangular box, but with smaller dimensions. This camera is directly connected to the base unit, which contains all the temperature and operating mode controls, a fan heater and a heating element. Removable telescopic rods, roof rails, baskets and perforated shelves are used as equipment elements.
In order to protect all metal parts from the effects of high humidity, the inner surface of the chamber, as well as all equipment, are coated with a powder polymer composition. If we are talking about industrial drying cabinets, this coating also has an external box, since most often in the rooms where the drying cabinets are installed, the humidity level is also increased.
The dimensions of this furniture are determined by their main purpose.So, industrial drying equipment has more impressive dimensions than universal ones, which are most often used in the premises of apartments that host and use only a few people. Children's wardrobes are even smaller so that a child with small stature can easily use all the shelves and hangers this device is equipped with. It should be borne in mind that the height of the device has the most significant value compared to other parameters. The greater the height of the cabinet, the faster drying of things takes place, since the heated air circulates more quickly and moisture is removed through the ventilation system.
The standard dimensions of universal cabinets are the parameters of 1.85x0.6x0.6 m in height, width and depth, respectively. The size of children's wardrobes is 1.5x0.35 m, while their width depends on the number of sections, which in this case can be 3, 5 or more. Given the needs of consumers for domestic use, manufacturers in most cases divide the drying cabinet into 4 sections. This separation helps to ensure increased hygiene, as it allows you to dry street items separately from those things and textiles that are designed for the home. The minimum number of sections in the device can be 2, because otherwise the constant opening and closing of the door would cause significant heat loss.

Standard size universal oven
ABOUT top washer dryers and their manufacturers you can find in the article at the link.
Popular models of ovens
Most of the models of ovens presented on the Russian consumer market are produced by the Scandinavian manufacturer Asko. Having sufficient experience in this activity, this company produces high-quality products, which occupies a leading position in this class of household appliances. Almost all models of ovens have a large number of drying modes, and are equipped with the necessary timers and sensors to ensure the best result.

Oven Asko
Drying cabinets by manufacturers such as Hotstorm, Electrolux and SKS-Design are also very popular for domestic and industrial purposes. The latter company is not as widespread as the rest, but at the same time it has a large number of products of various sizes and purposes, most of which are still used to equip enterprises. The use of all drying cabinets is absolutely safe for humans, and at the same time makes a person’s life significantly more comfortable.

Hotstorm oven
Great article. Very correctly and in detail written, all aspects are disclosed in detail.