There are many arguments in favor of home drying plants. It saves time, space and nerves. But not everyone knows how to choose a tumble dryer, what to look for when buying.

Photo: Machines for drying clothes - it is reliable, practical and convenient.
In the article you will find recommendations for selection, get acquainted with the most famous brands of drying machines. Perhaps the article will help make the right choice and allow you to purchase a decent home unit.
About the benefits of a tumble dryer
Before focusing on the features of machines, let's find out their advantages. The main advantages include:
- Careful handling with any material. To do this, you need to choose the right mode for the type of textile.
- Preservation of the required amount of moisture. In winter, the laundry is not sufficiently dried, and in the summer it can be dried. It's about natural drying. The use of tumble dryers guarantees a moisture balance of up to 5% in any weather. It is important that the remainder of the moisture, the process is adjustable.
- Some types of laundry can not be ironed. After drying, a number of things can be worn or folded without using an iron. This is the speed of work, and energy savings.
- Freshness. Processed items in a tumble dryer get fresh and have a pleasant smell. If we talk about the natural drying process, sometimes things posted on the street can absorb odors.
Having understood the advantages of drying machines, you can move on to recommendations for their choice.
Seven criteria for the right choice
In the distribution network you can "break a leg" by choosing from a variety of products, brands and prices! Design, cost, dimensions of equipment - this is a test "not for the faint of heart."
In order to feel confident in the information sea and not drown in technical nuances, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the selection criteria for special drying machines:
- Build quality.
- Dimensions of equipment.
- Reliability.
- Compactness.
- Functionality.
- Economical effect.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the dimensions of the equipment. The tumble dryer selected for the home should be suitable for the size of your room, the place of its permanent deployment.
About dryer connection You can read the link.
Types of machines for drying clothes
Compared to the last century, the choice of machines for drying has become more complicated. No, they did not decrease, on the contrary, the range of products expanded.
New features of conventional washing machines appeared, the control process for which the “electronic brains” are responsible has become different. The functionality of home appliances has expanded.
Therefore, knowledge of the types of machines for drying clothes is a necessity. The photo shows cars by type. A good example will allow, without leaving home, to get acquainted with the appearance of the product.

Photo: A good example of today's types of tumble dryers.
There are three fully functional types of the described product:
- drum machines;
- drying cabinets;
- ordinary washing machine with additional features.
Let's take a closer look at each type of drying equipment mentioned.
- Dryers equipped with a drum are the most popular and popular product.
The market offers two varieties of home appliances:
- Condensation models. In this case, moisture is focused in one place (special capacity) and is discharged into the general sewer system.
- Variant with fan: Vapors are removed from the unit through a special channel.

Photo: Drum-type drying unit.
Note the functionality of the oven, in which in addition to the drying process, you can store things. They differ in their dimensions and the number of cameras.

Photo: An example of an oven with several compartments.
Now let's look at the possibilities:
- Drum
- Filtration.
- Energy efficiency.
- Functionality.
In conclusion, let's talk about brands and the most sold models of modern drying units. We will try to decide which tumble dryer for home use you can choose.
- Drum.
The direct purpose of the drum is drying. It is necessary to pay attention to capacity and its reliability. Small-sized designs can handle 3 kg of loaded laundry. The standard tab provides for work with 5 kg of laundry.

Photo: This is how the drum of the drying unit and the blades that were discussed above look like.
You need to understand that the volume of the drum with standard loads can not exceed 100 liters of water. Although, for sale there are machines for drying things with a large volume, but they cost much more than the standard option.
Pay attention to the rotation of the drum. He walks one way. His blades turn over the linen, not allowing them to stray into a solid lump.
Note! There are designs with rotation of the blades in two directions. This is the best option for drying and controlling clothes.
Blades made of stainless material, or Dura-Finish, are considered the most durable and durable.
- Filtering process.
In modern units, a filter is installed that catches clothing fibers, hair, threads and so on. It must be serviced regularly. Therefore, its location is important.

Photo: The easier the access to the filter, the easier it is to clean.
Squeezed about energy efficiency.
Tumble dryers are divided into classes into less costly in terms of electrical energy consumption and with a large use of electricity.
On each drying machine there are signs of electricity consumption with a certain marking.
If the letter “G” is applied to the equipment, this means that the machine consumes the least amount of e / energy. Economical classes include equipment with the abbreviation: A, A +, A ++.

Photo: Classification of energy / costs.
- Functionality
In this case, we are talking about additional functions of machines for drying clothes. These include the mode of airing things, easy ironing.
notethat this is not ironing things in the traditional sense. Ironing means airing things after drying with intensive rotation of the drum along the trajectory of figure 8. The process is intended only to reduce the number of folds on clothes.
Pay attention to the photo below. On the front panel of the machine for drying things, there are different modes of operation: from T-shirts to down jackets.

Photo: What things does the machine work with? Look at the front panel of the household appliance.
If you find it difficult to understand the intricacies and the amount of information, think about what things you often have to dry. If we are talking about T-shirts and / or T-shirts, it is enough to purchase small-sized equipment with a minimum number of functions.
If you plan to work with voluminous things, buy cars with a capacity of 100 liters of water or more and additional options.
It remains to consider the issue of brands and the most sold models of world manufacturers.
About manufacturers and drying equipment popular in the domestic market
We will start the overview and selection of drying machines from leading manufacturers with the well-known Bosch company. By the way, the leaders in the manufacture of tumble dryers are companies that produce washing machines.
- WTE Model 86302 BY.
The initial cost is 26 thousand rubles. A one-time service of 7 kg of laundry is provided. The presented model will cope with various fabrics, including wool and silk. The design provides for 11 different programs. Two drying modes: for 20 or 40 minutes. It is noteworthy that there is electronic control t0 humidity.The model chosen for the house is fully automated and works almost silently.
- Products of the company Siemens.
The tumble dryer of this company has received many flattering reviews. The maximum load is calculated on 7 kg of linen. The cost of equipment is 27 thousand rubles. A distinctive feature of the unit is the ability to work with woolen products that are placed in a special metal basket.
- Ariston Products.
Many in this model are attracted to the pricing policy of the manufacturer. It harmoniously combines cost and parameters. The start begins with 17 thousand rubles. There are 16 programs and maximum load brought up to 9 kg. Electronic control is via a display.
- AEG.
When deciding which company to choose a drying machine, experts recommend paying attention to the products of the Swedish brand. The initial price is 32 thousand rubles. There are 10 different programs and the possibility of a one-time load of 6 kg of laundry. By the way, the door can be re-hung, which is very important when installing and choosing a location for the unit.
It is clear that these are not all machines that you should pay attention to. We introduced you to the most famous manufacturers and their products.
We recommend reading the review article “Washer-dryer - choose home appliances. ”
The market provides the opportunity to purchase at an affordable price different machines for drying clothes. Starting from well-known brands to newcomers to production. But the main thing is how and in what volumes drying is supposed.
Based on the parameters of the machine and technical specifications, you can choose the best option for the product without paying extra for unnecessary functions.
Even important is the maintenance of the machine, where the main attention should be paid to the filter. On the proper care of the dryer on the Internet there are enough videos that cover this issue in detail. Have a good choice!
About washing machines with drying function can be read on the link.