When individually tailoring and manufacturing things in a factory, it is important to choose the right thread for the overlock. If they are chosen incorrectly, the quality of the seams suffers, and the wrong side of the thing looks messy, the seams are pressed, causing inconvenience. When the fabric spreads, knocking out of the seam threads, the product needs to be repaired, or even altered.
Having determined which threads are best for the overlock and applying the information received in the case, it is possible to save the manufactured items from premature wear and extend the life of the equipment. Yes, there are fibers that reduce the life of an overlock.
We take care of the quality of the seams
To overlock seam turned out beautiful, with high-quality stitching, the fiber of the thread must be of high quality, and the thread itself is thin.

Poor edge on fabric
Why is thin thread the best for overlock?
When processing the fabric edge on the overlock, as a rule, 2-5 fibers are used. If they are thick, the seam turns out to be coarse and puffs, causes discomfort to the body, is pressed through lightweight textiles.

Multifunctional 4-core overlock machine
"Council" Optimum will be fiber number 50-120. Going beyond the lower border will lead to a thick seam, beyond the upper border, the thread will break, rubbing with the eye of the needle (if overlock parts of the product are shortened, then in places of thickening).
In our article you can also find out why the lower thread began to loop.
The importance of thread quality
Thanks to a smooth, strong, elastic thread, stitches are minimized when sewing, the seam is obtained without defects: nodules, thickenings, terry.
The seamstress should consider the amount of work ahead and needles thread long enoughso that there is enough winding. The situation will be even worse if there are not enough yarns left to handle product seams and work will have to be interrupted to purchase the missing reel.

Prefer a small coil or volume winding?
"Council" Experienced seamstresses and novice needlewomen are interested in high-quality tailoring with minimal waste. High quality overlock fibers are not cheap. The savings on purchasing reels with standard 200m windings are apparent. The price of a running meter of its threads is 3 times higher than on overlock baboons.
It is also possible to save on the processing of seams when working on a multifunctional overlock by threading loopers with overlock threads, and threading fibers with universal characteristics into the needles.
We take care of the longevity of the overlock
The reason for the rapid wear of the overlock machine can be old-fashioned or modern threads that do not create the required tension mylar and reinforced with the marking LL (linen, lavsan), LH (cotton, lavsan).
The quality of the threads affects the operation of the overlock itself. When choosing a die, you can use the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. Visual inspection of the coil for thickenings in the wound fiber, contact examination for smoothness and elasticity will not hurt.
In the article by reference, you can also find overview of overlock models.
The right choice of the best overlock thread in all aspects
Before buying threads, you need to determine their manufacturer (you can note a few for yourself), the color, the thickness of the fibers, necessary to complete the entire volume of work with a meter. In order for the threads to be good for the manufactured item, when choosing them, one must take into account the properties of the material from which the clothes will be sewn.
"Council" When determining which threads are needed for an overlock, it is useful to make a test sample.Thanks to it, it will become clear whether the selected fibers are suitable for this material in thickness, color.
It is economically unprofitable to buy thread for future use in large quantities with home sewing. It is not profitable to buy a few small reels. The best solution is to get enough threads for sewing things, and preferably in bulk winding.
If there are enough financial resources, you can not save on threads and take a closer look at popular manufacturers whose products are not budget.
"Council" When clothes are sewn from expensive fabrics, saving on consumables is harming oneself. Due to the poor quality of seam processing, the thing will lose its luxurious appearance, and the large financial costs for textiles are leveled.
Popular with seamstresses are threads of the German brand Amann Mettler. They are smooth, evenly woven, elastic. Suitable for use in overlocks of almost all world brands. Such universal threads need to be looked at first.

Amann Mettler rich color gamut
What threads can not be used in overlock
Due to improperly selected threads, it is possible to spoil or just start to spoil, if you stop in time, the thing being manufactured. They can shorten the life of the device, cause a breakdown.
An overlock seamstress should remember the taboo on the thread:
- long-lasting cotton and Soviet-made;
- reinforced with marking LL, LH;
- industrial use when used in a household model;
- stretching.
If you choose the right thread, the quality of tailoring will be at its best. In any case, the treatment of seams. Is your overlock working and configured?
We also recommend reading why tearing thread in sewing machines.