Today, equipment stores and electrons offer us not only different types of vacuum cleaners, but also various brushes for them. One of these types of brushes is a turbo brush. What is and what is the use of a turbo brush in a vacuum cleaner? This brush option is an indispensable tool for cleaning carpets, especially if animals are present in the house. Also, with its help, women's hair, and not just wool, is very well removed from carpets. The only drawback of this device is the difficulty in cleaning, since it must be cleaned manually.
What is the role of a turbo brush in a vacuum cleaner, how to use it and what is it for? These questions often arise when coming to a home appliance store. If you buy the device at an inexpensive cost, then most likely that such a brush will not be included. But is there a vacuum cleaner that has a price higher than average, and is also more modern and powerful, a turbo brush is already included. But many do not know why a turbo brush is needed for a vacuum cleaner or what it is in general. The turbo brush looks like a regular nozzle for a vacuum cleaner on a pipe. It has the shape of an ordinary brush, but inside is a bristle with a spiral.
Types of brushes
Turbo brushes are divided into two types:


For the first option, exact characteristics do not exist, since the cleaning efficiency with this brush will depend directly on how powerful the device is. The brush begins its work under the pressure of the air that enters it through a pipe. The nozzle should be attached to the edge of the pipe, like any other brushes that are used for the change. Since the operation and disposal of garbage directly depends on how powerful a vacuum cleaner, in order to get a clean coating and a high-quality result, you need the device to have higher power indicators.

Vertical vacuum cleaner
For apartments that I have carpet in the form of a laminate or tile, the best solution would be purchase a vertical vacuum cleaner with aquafilter. For houses that have carpets, upholstered furniture, carpet - it will be optimal to buy a device with cyclone filter or bag.
Another view has more accurate characteristics. The name of the brush speaks for itself, this brush works thanks to the drive that is built into it, and for its operation you need a separate power source. In this case, the tool works regardless of how powerful the vacuum cleaner is. The speed with which the roller will rotate depends on the auxiliary tool itself. Naturally, such tools will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than the previous version.
Care Tips
In order for the brush to last as long as possible, it needs to be carefully looked after, like with any equipment. When working, the rotating brush takes all the hair and hair onto itself. It is necessary to clean the turbo brush from the hair manually, as a clogged tool will not spin. You need to clean the tool after each cleaning.

Assembled and disassembled brush
Cleaning Rules:
- The first step is to disconnect the device and the nozzle (as shown in the picture above).
- Open the protective cover.
- Remove hair, wool, feathers, or other dirt from the roller.
- If other debris is present, especially small debris, it can be removed with a dry washcloth or rag.
- Clean the blades of debris.
- After all cleaning, close the lid.
If you clean the turbo brush after each cleaning, this will save you time and energy. At the same time, the tool will effectively clean each time, since accumulated debris will not interfere with it. For more efficient operation, the turbo brush must be thoroughly washed and cleaned once every six months. This cleaning has the following steps:
- Since the brush consists of two halves, it is necessary to disconnect them with a screwdriver. They are fastened with several bolts (as shown in the photo below).
Location of screws on the surface
- After opening from an inaccessible place, remove dirt, dust, wool with scissors or sharp tools and a washcloth.
- At the end, the nozzle must be assembled.
Trade marks
The modern market has a diverse selection of brands and manufacturers of turbo brushes. Consider the more popular firms:

Compact and convenient turbo brush option
LG. This manufacturer has proven itself to be of excellent quality for a very long time. Such jokes are universal suitable for floors and carpets. For the convenience of the hostesses, a control indicator was installed, with which you can determine how dirty the instrument is and when it needs to be cleaned.

Electrolux turbo brush
Electrolux The brushes of this company have hard bristles, thanks to which carpets are well cleaned, especially if women or girls with long hair or animals live in the house. Due to the fact that the Electrolux turbo brush has an adapter included, it can be used for any brand of vacuum cleaners.

One of the powerful brushes
Dyson The manufacturer of this brand first came up with adapters for brushes. Using it, you can combine the nozzle with any brand of vacuum cleaner. Effectively removes dirt from any surface. With this nozzle, you will understand why you need to buy a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner, notice the difference in working with it and without it. Thanks to the transparent cover, you can control how dirty the bristles are with a roller.

The best option for carpets
Universal. Regardless of whether the old or new model of the device, you can always purchase a universal brush that is suitable for any device. It is no different from the above models.
How to choose the best of the best
Supermarkets and shops offer many different options for turbo brushes, ranging from mechanical to electrical, which have a built-in electric drive. But for you, the main factor is to make the right choice and buy this particular nozzle, with which cleaning will not bring much work, but rather facilitate the process. The first rule when choosing a turbo brush is performance. The brush should not only be powerful, but also easy to clean, an elementary structure to assemble and disassemble was not difficult. You must fully understand what a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner is and why you need it.
It is necessary to pay attention to those manufacturers who provide adapters to it together with the brush, so that it can be used with other brands of manufacturers. Such options are more versatile. It is necessary to give preference to those tools that have a transparent top plastic. Thanks to this, you can always make sure how dirty the brush is and whether it can be used further.
If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner for suction, there is no need to purchase an expensive electric brush, you need to pay attention to the mechanical appearance, but with a stiffer bristle. Thanks to the powerful vacuum cleaner, the roller that is located inside will rotate well, effectively remove dirt and dust from carpets.
More expensive models have a fill indicator on the top of the case, thanks to which you can always see the degree of contamination of the roller. Thus, it can be understood whether it needs to be cleaned or not.

The structure of the brush inside
Naturally, all manufacturers are striving for the perfect brush, trying to make it durable and versatile, as shown in the photo above. Therefore, when buying, you still need to first determine how common the parts are for it, if repairs will be needed, what warranty period it has.
I also buy a tool, you must not forget about which device you already have. If the apparatus has an aquafilter, it is more environmentally friendly, and a vacuum cleaner with a bag holds more debris.Nevertheless, no matter which brush you choose, it is best to buy exactly the manufacturer you have a vacuum cleaner on.