You won’t surprise anyone today with a vacuum cleaner - the housewives have long recognized all the advantages of the presented equipment, so even high prices do not interfere with its purchase. Things are much more complicated with the choice of detergent, which is used to clean furniture, carpets and floors. Next, an overview of the most popular and effective means for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner will be presented - which ones are better to choose than to use for allergy sufferers and is there any way to make the product yourself.
Common brands
Considering a tool for washing vacuum cleaners, it is necessary to first highlight the most common brands. Cleaning compounds are divided into liquid and powder - each of the presented brands contains both varieties.
So, the detergent intended for the washing vacuum cleaner is produced by the following well-known manufacturers:
- Whirpool is a well-known American manufacturer of household appliances, which currently has several branches throughout the country. Washing vacuum cleaners began to be released only at the end of the 20th century. It was for them that powdered means for a vacuum cleaner were developed, which were further modernized into liquid shampoos. They can be used not only for the equipment of the same name, but also other brands of vacuum cleaners.
- Topperr - German detergents that are used to clean furniture, carpets, floors, windows and the whole house. Basically, the means allow you to perform traditional wet cleaning, liquids have an antistatic and antiallergic effect.
Topperr Shampoos are the most popular
- Astonish is a brand of British manufacturers of cleaning products. Shampoos with a low foaming effect are offered for a washing vacuum cleaner - this makes it possible to carry out cleaning more thoroughly. The chemical formula is based on components that allow you to actively fight against microorganisms, mold and allergies of residents.
English Astonish lineups are economical
- Vanish - a manufacturer from Australia today has a huge number of branches, including Russia. Detergents are popular because of their effectiveness. The composition contains oxygen, so liquids and powders do an excellent job of stubborn stains, the smell of tobacco and dampness.

Vanish is a common brand purchased at any specialty store.
Each of the brands contains cleaning liquids and powders for vacuum cleaners, which allow you to quickly and efficiently perform cleaning.
The best powder formulations
Quality products for washing vacuum cleaners are divided into 2 types - powder and liquid shampoos. Powdered ones are not recommended for use by the hostesses themselves due to the high probability of clogging of the equipment filters. In the future, this will lead to quick breakdown, but according to users, cleaning with powders is of poor quality, which is explained by the need to dissolve the components, and this does not always happen quickly.
However, among the powdered, there are also the most popular detergents for vacuum cleaners. These include Zelmer and KARCHER.

Zelmer features convenient packaging
Zelmer is a powder designed for do-it-yourself carpet cleaning and for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner. It contains components that are safe for children and animals, it does not have fragrances, therefore it is recommended for use by people if they have allergies. The only drawback of the presented powder is the need to additionally wash the particles after each use of the vacuum cleaner. The cost of the powder is about 1000 rubles.

KARCHER powder in a jar protects children and animals from exposure
KARCHER is a powder for dilution in water and use in a washing vacuum cleaner, designed for cleaning floors of any coatings, as well as for carpet cleaning. Powder manufacturer - Germany. The product is characterized by rapid solubility, so there is no need to carry out additional vacuum cleaner cleaning after cleaning.
The best liquid remedies
For most washing vacuums, in order for cleaning to proceed without any consequences for the equipment and efficiently, it is recommended to choose a detergent in liquid form. These are special shampoos that are easy to dilute in water. The only drawback of most of them is the increased foaming, which interferes with the operation of the equipment.
Among the most common formulations, the following shampoos are distinguished:
- Shampoos Zelmer - designed to clean any hard surface, including laminate and decorative stone. The tool does not cause allergies, because it does not contain additional fragrances.
Zelmer is available as two 100 ml vials.
- Thomas shampoos - excellent job with removing stains on carpets with preservation of color. Hypoallergenic and disinfecting properties provide an effective fight against microbes and mold, are economical to use.
Thomas was designed for use in the same technology
- Topperr shampoos do not contain phosphates and chlorine, without bleach, reliably disinfect and do not contain allergenic fragrances, but at the same time significantly refresh the air in the rooms where the cleaning took place.
Topperr is a powerful concentrate that kills all bacteria and germs.
The cost of shampoos differs depending on the volume of the bottle. The average price of funds varies from 300 to 1000 rubles.
What can make from an engine from a vacuum cleaner - read on our website.
Detergents for people with allergies
People who are prone to allergic manifestations need to carry out constant wet cleaning regularly, since dust accumulations can adversely affect the general condition of the patient. By the way, they have to carry out constant wet cleaning using cleaning products. But of the above, even the claimed hypoallergenic compounds can provoke an attack during the cleaning of carpets and furniture.
To avoid such problems, it is necessary to use special shampoos and powders designed for the treatment of furniture and other surfaces in rooms with allergy sufferers. The funds presented include:
- Allergy-Free - Available at the pharmacy. Today, allergy sufferers are offered both a means for washing their feet or dishes, and shampoo for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner.
- PIP CARPET CLEANER - contains 2-3% of the probiotic component, which helps to reduce a significant amount of allergens.
PIP CARPET CLEANER is actively used for cleaning carpets and furniture.
- PIP MULTI - contains useful probiotics that not only allow you to use the composition during cleaning, but also reduce the effect of allergens remaining in the room.

PIP MULTI is not only for allergy sufferers.
A special cleaner for allergy sufferers is actively used not only when cleaning the premises with a washing vacuum cleaner, but also ordinary. When using a washing variety of equipment, the liquid is poured into a special tank with water. For simple models, in one of these formulations the filter is moistened and standard cleaning is carried out. The room is enriched with antiallergenic substances, as a result of which the room can be cleaned a little less.
How can I replace detergent for washing vacuums
Cleaning products are not always good for washing vacuum cleaners of all brands - so, it is recommended to use a specialized composition of the same name with existing equipment. Otherwise, you can face many problems.
But enterprising and economical housewives use washing powders and other cleaning compounds for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner.The main problem in this case is increased foaming, which is dangerous for technology:
- negatively affects the electric motor;
- reduces the filter;
- Does not support all suction power.
To avoid problems, you can use a special antifoam along with simple cleaning compounds. But if it is not at hand, you can apply the following mixtures:
- dishwashing liquid and salt in an amount of 1: 1 - first add liquid to hot water, and then extinguish the foam by slowly adding salt;
- add starch and a little sunflower oil to the used powder - the method perfectly reduces the formation of foam, but after cleaning it is necessary to wash the vacuum cleaner itself with water and a fat-soluble product (with dishwashing liquid);
- add a few drops of vinegar to the powder - this method allows you to kill odors, so it is most often used.
Especially resourceful housewives use alcohol or ammonia along with a small amount of powder, some add vodka to achieve a disinfecting effect.
From the above it follows that the choice of detergent composition for a washing vacuum cleaner is taken seriously - this is not only cleanliness in the house, but also mandatory prevention of equipment. Often you have to face a problem when changing a cleaning agent. To avoid this, it is better to use "folk" methods for the manufacture of the solution.
See also articles “Pool cleaning with a vacuum cleaner”.