Consider what a separator vacuum cleaner is, its principle of operation. We also get acquainted with the pros and cons of such models of vacuum cleaners and with what you should pay attention to when choosing.
Now the vacuum cleaner can not only clean the house, but also moisturize, freshen the air. A separator vacuum cleaner copes with this task. It is based on the principle of a centrifuge.
This technique is able to separate dust, air, water well and thus plays the role of cleaning and moisturizing the air, getting rid of various types of bacteria, allergen molecules, dirt particles, and dust.
The separator cleaner got its name from the word "separator", which in Latin means "separator". With the help of centrifugal force, substances with different densities and specific gravities are separated from each other.
The separator vacuum cleaner works as follows: when cleaning along with dirt and dust, air enters the equipment. It passes through a hose and then enters a bowl of water.
The rotation of water occurs at a speed equal to 25,000 - 35,000 rpm. In such a situation, a whirlpool forms and large fragments settle at the bottom. At the same time, small particles remain on the edges of the tank, which begin to slowly sink in the water.
Further, a separator vacuum cleaner breaks up small air bubbles that also contain debris. As a result, all the dirt remains in the container, it begins to dissolve in water and then completely clean air is released outside.
Using a separator-type vacuum cleaner, it is possible to perfectly clean the air in the room.
Separators can be settling, magnetic and centrifugal. As for vacuum cleaners, we are talking about centrifugal options or centrifuges.
Interestingly, with the help of the centrifuge, not only is the separation of solids from liquid, but also of air from water and dust from air.
This method also allows you to get humidified air at the outlet, since it also passes through the water tank.
Can say that it washing vacuum cleaner with aquafilter or that it is a dust-absorbing water apparatus.
Such devices have certificates for cleaning, and a number of other documents should be issued on them. We list them:
- hygienic conclusion;
- certificate of conformity;
- certificate confirming the safety and quality of the device.
Note that the certificate for air purification must be issued by a reputable European institute. It is preferable that this certificate includes a breakdown for the cleaning of mineral and organic constituents of dust.
Separator vacuum cleaner: its advantages and disadvantages
There are a large number
models of separator vacuum cleaners. Using separator devices you can create a healthy microclimate in the room.

It is curious that ordinary household vacuum cleaners are able to remove only 40% of garbage. If you use filters, you can increase this figure.
Note that HEPA filters are quite expensive, so changing them too often is not always possible for financial reasons.
It is worth noting that the principle of operation of the separator cleaning unit allows you to clean the air.
However, when choosing, it should be borne in mind that goods are often sold at a high price, which are not able to ionize the air. This usually applies to products of Italian manufacturers.
Wet cleaning options now allow you to effectively clean the air.
We list the advantages of such cleaning units:
- detain the smallest dust;
- constant suction power during cleaning;
- multifunctionality;
- great for allergy sufferers with chronic bronchitis.
According to consumer reviews, such harvesting units have their drawbacks. Mention them:
- the high cost of component parts;
- complex construction;
- high price;
- if energy-saving technologies are used, the price will be even higher;
- fakes are often found.
Vacuum cleaners. working without noise - read in our article.
Separator: selection criteria
Interestingly, with an aquafilter, vacuum cleaners can not only clean the room. They can also be used to clean cushions, bedding, curtains, carpets, soft toys, and more.
If you turn on the dry cleaning mode, then it is suitable for cleaning various types of laminate flooring.

Fig. 1 “ProAqua”
When choosing goods from the manufacturer, it is worth considering the number of nozzles. There are harvesting aggregates, the equipment of which includes nozzles that allow you to remove dust from the leaves of indoor plants, clean glass, mirrors.
Using nozzles of various designs, you can dry-clean fabrics.

Fig.2 "Krausen"

Fig. 3 "Krausen"
When choosing, it is worth considering the following recommendations:
- availability of environmental certificate;
- the presence of a certificate that confirms compliance with international requirements;
- make sure you have a certificate for air purification;
- the electric brush-beaters should have a unique design - this confirms the factory quality and the fact that the company uses its own developments;
- look to turbo brushes for carpet cleaning, the brushes used to remove animal hair, the wet-cleaning nozzles were of good quality;
- pay attention to the warranty period - at least 8 years should be the warranty period; in the case when this period is shorter, we can say that the cleaning unit does not meet the requirements.
Separator: models of which manufacturers of vacuum cleaners you can safely choose?
When choosing a technique, it is worth paying attention not only to important criteria, but also to the choice of the manufacturer - this will avoid buying fakes or simply low-quality goods.
Krausen Zip Luxe Premium
For example, you can choose Krausen products. Since 1975, this company has been producing budgetary equipment of good quality. We recommend paying attention to the Krausen Zip Luxe Premium model.

Fig. 4 "Krausen Zip Luxe Premium"

Fig. 5 "Krausen Zip Luxe Premium"

Fig. 6 "Krausen Zip Luxe Premium"
This cleaning unit with a separator and an aquafilter will clean your room well.
However, it is worthwhile to understand that it is for this technique that the warranty period is only one year, and then you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense.
Also, some buyers do not really like that the main material of this vacuum cleaner is plastic.
"Delvir Aquafilter mini plus"
Also the Delvir Aquafilter mini plus harvesting unit has proved itself well. This is a product from Delvir, which appeared on the market with models of vacuum cleaners in 2004.

Fig. 7 "Delvir Aquafilter mini plus"

Fig. 8 "Delvir Aquafilter mini plus"

Fig. 9 “Delvir Aquafilter mini plus” can be conveniently hidden in a storage cabinet
"MIE Ecologico"
These vacuum cleaners equipped with aqua filters, separators. Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, MIE brand cleaning units have been operating efficiently and for quite a long time. The product is provided with a warranty for 3 years.
It can also be noted that the vacuum cleaners of this brand are well equipped.

Fig. 10 "MIE Ecologico"
"Delvir WDC HOME"
In this cleaning unit, a special exhaust diffuser is located around the perimeter of the housing. This design allows you to almost not notice the flow of exhaust air.
In this cleaning unit, the design of the duct system is such that, in the purifier mode, it even allows cold air to escape.
The presence of a sump allows you to avoid frequent replacement of the water filter during cleaning. To see how much dirty water filterThe unit is equipped with a transparent bulb.
To make it easier to clean the equipment, a removable open dynamic separator is provided.
If you want to make the vacuum cleaner work even quieter, then simply use the smooth adjustment of the engine speed.
If suddenly a vacuum cleaner accidentally opens during the cleaning process, then for safety, clips are installed that have an electromagnetic switch.
Separate vacuum cleaners equipped with aquafilters from a German manufacturer deserve good reviews.
The features of these cleaning units is the presence of filters that prevent dust from entering the engine.
Any vacuum cleaner of this brand does not have HEPA filters, however they are equipped with a special capsule that protects the motor not only from dust, but also from water.
It is interesting that the manufacturer provides a 10 year warranty on these cleaning units. You do not need to undergo mandatory warranty service annually. You can send the goods to the service department of the company.
Among the advantages of vacuum cleaners of this brand, we can mention that there is a certificate for air purification, there are no filters.
It is also important to note that the brush for cleaning upholstered furniture, pillows, mattresses has become more maneuverable, light and convenient.
This technique has autonomous motor cooling. It is interesting that you can forget about having to replace the water every 10 minutes, which can not be said about similar vacuum cleaners from other companies.
In addition, such cleaning machines provide good cleaning on a soft, hard surface.
It is worth noting that the reliability of the motor provides a capsule made of stainless steel.
Judging by the reviews of the company, the after-sales service works well.
Separator vacuums: pluses of cleaning equipment
Separator units are also able to cope with the task of aromatherapy. To do this, you can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to a special container - this will provide a persistent pleasant aroma in the room.
One cannot but appreciate the fact that the separator cleaning units do a good job of cleaning the premises.
Such a technique can be advised to buy for people who are difficult to tolerate the fungus, ticks, which constantly have allergic reactions to animal hair or dust particles. Using modern cleaning separator technology, these problems can be solved.
Note that the mentioned technique is able to cope well with cleaning even the most dirty surfaces and this does not depend on the degree of contamination of the water in the filter.
After you have completed the cleaning, you can drain the water into the toilet. Do not be afraid that dust or debris will fly away - this will not happen.
Since in most of the separator models there are no different filters, you do not need to spend money on the purchase of filters.
Regarding the configuration of separator cleaning equipment, we can say that manufacturers produce a wide range of vacuum cleaners.
You can separately purchase the necessary brushes or initially choose a model with a complete set of brushes for washing carpets, removing animal hair, etc.
The reasons for choosing a separator harvesting equipment are humidified air, there is no reverse emission of fine dust particles, high quality dry or wet cleaning, clean air, advice from allergists.
It should be noted that after each cleaning, you need to rinse and clean the capacity of the vacuum cleaner.
It is worth noting that the cost of such units is significantly higher than ordinary household models, however, the advantages of separator vacuum cleaners are significantly higher.
It is worthwhile to understand that such models with a water filter and a centrifuge can be quite dimensional, so this point should be considered when buying a product.
When choosing a product, it is better to give preference to trusted companies. They are engaged in the development of new technologies, testing their cleaning equipment, trying to bring it to the quality standard that will allow it to be sold all over the world.
Using a dynamic separator, it is possible to efficiently and quickly clean carpet paths, curtains, soft corners, etc.
This new technique not only eliminates dust, it effectively purifies the air and prevents small particles of dust from remaining in the air even after cleaning, and in doing so, it significantly bypasses standard vacuum cleaners that need to be updated with filters, among other things.
You can also read on the website how in vacuum cleaners lubricate bearings.