Having your own pool requires additional cash costs for maintenance and service. Regardless of size, the artificial pond needs constant care. The best assistant in this matter is an underwater robot. vacuum cleaner for home and sports poolsproviding effective cleaning of the bottom and walls, on the surface of which dirt accumulates, including leaves, sand, and a fresh coating forms in the form of a mucous film. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of modern in-depth cleaners. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right model, which could fully cope with the task.
How to choose a vacuum cleaner model depending on the type of pool
The choice of an underwater robot to clean an artificial pond is based on various criteria. Considered:
- pool bowl dimensions - length, width, depth, diameter. It is under these characteristics that the length of the hose, rod and cable is selected;
- the complexity of the terrain and the presence of steps - the kit must contain various additional nozzles that ensure high-quality cleaning of the surface even in inaccessible places;
- the presence in the pool of a cleaning device - a skimmer equipped with deep filters, the need arises when cleaning with a manual model;
- the shape and appearance of the pool bowl, determining the type of nozzles;
- control method (manual, automatic) and the presence of a remote control.

Pool skimmer
Highly an important indicator when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner is the power indicating which duty cycle the unit has. Depending on the model, the cleaning time varies from 3 to 12 hours (depending on the size of the bowl). If the artificial pond has small parameters, then in this case it will be enough to purchase a high-quality budget model vacuum cleaner robot. With the solid sizes of pools (any, including sports), the length of which is up to 50 m in length, it is necessary to pay attention to professional models with an electric motor that can clean not only the bottom and walls, but also the waterline.
Management methods
Underwater robots vacuum cleaners differ in principle of operation, functionality and price. The market presents models in three categories:
- Hand held;
- Semi-automatic;
- Automatic.
It is worth considering the features of each type in order to understand which model will be ideal in a particular case.
Hand held

Manual model of in-depth vacuum cleaner
Hand-held vacuum cleaners differ in a simple design consisting of a handle, brush and its own cleaning system, pump. Some models do not have their own filtration unit, so for the complete functioning of the unit, it is necessary to connect to a skimmer - a filtering system of the pool. Connection to the mains is via cable. Given that the working pressure is provided by its own pressure unit, which is the robot pump, the throughput of the unit can be up to 16 tons of water per hour. The main advantage of hand models is an affordable price. The disadvantage is the use only in small pools.
Semiautomatic devices

Semi-automatic vacuum cleaner model
Semi-automatic vacuum cleaners have a more complex structure compared to manual counterparts. The models have a built-in waste bin, which ensures economical operation of the pool filtration system.Robots of the latest generations belonging to this category can operate in two modes - manual and automatic, and also clean the walls and bottom by means of a directed stream of water. Optimum operating conditions for semi-automatic machines include parameters of a pool with an area of up to 870 m2.

Automatic model
Automatic robotic vacuum cleaners for the pool, operating in automatic mode, clean the bottom and walls of the bowl, as well as the area above the waterline. Models are powered by batteries. The cleaning system provides for the collection of dirt in your own drive or dump it into the filtration system of the pool. Robot vacuum cleaners operate silently. The main advantage of underwater units is the lack of control over their work, while the frequency of cleaning can be set using a special program.
Recessed robotic vacuum cleaners have a minimum cable length of 15 m, a maximum of 25 m. When choosing a model, the parameters of the artificial reservoir should be taken into account.
Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the fact that underwater robots vacuum cleaners are quite expensive, they have many advantages, although there are disadvantages. The main advantages include:
- High efficiency and quick cleaning of pools compared to manual work.
- Application on different coatings - concrete, ceramic tiles, mosaics, PVC films, fiberglass, composite materials.
- The ability to remove contamination and plaque on the walls and bottom of the pool without draining the water.
- Save time and ease of use of units, regardless of category - manual, semi-automatic or automatic.
- Wide functionality - it is important to use units for servicing small and large-sized bowls of various configurations.
- Increase the service life of the skimmer filter unit.
- The ability to program the optimal mode of operation with weekly maintenance.
It takes a lot of time and effort to manually clean the thickets of even a small pool. When using an underwater robot vacuum cleaner, the procedure is much faster, physical activity and time costs are reduced. To get started, the device is completely immersed in water, and then turned on. As a result of cleaning, both large and minimal sizes are removed, water is filtered to micron particles.
Rating of models of vacuum cleaners for the pool
A wide range of devices is presented on the domestic market with the help of which it is produced pool cleaning. The following brands are popular:
- The manual models Lavor Swimmy (can be used as a regular vacuum cleaner) and Bestway 58212 are suitable for small and medium-sized bowls. Devices are used as needed: they perform mainly rough cleaning, they remove dirt from the bottom and walls well. But the most budget models have a drawback - a constant human presence is necessary, although with their help the pool maintenance time is significantly accelerated.
Handheld vacuum cleaner for the pool Lavor
- Intex Auto Pool subsea semi-automatic vacuum cleaners with a hydraulic drive are equipped with a hydraulic drive and are used to clean small bowls. The work of the unit is carried out with the obligatory presence of a recirculation system of the pool to which it is connected, therefore the parameters of the reservoir are necessarily taken into account. All necessary actions are loading, unloading, unraveling the hose or wire.
Intex Model
Robotic vacuum cleaners are characterized by increased functionality and work without the participation of the human factor. When choosing, it is worth paying attention to such brands as:
- Thanks to innovative technologies, the Zodiac Vortex 4WD model provides excellent care not only for the surface of the bowl, but also improves water quality. If you have a control panel, you can remotely manipulate the device.The pump is positioned so that it creates a vortex flow, as a result of which dirt up to microparticles is drawn into the membrane filter, where it is suspended and does not stick to the walls. Therefore, the capacity for retracting garbage does not change throughout the entire working cycle, regardless of the degree of contamination of the pool bowl.
Zodiac vortex
- Dolphin robots underwater vacuum cleaners cope with pollution not only on the walls and bottom, they clean the corners of the bowl well. The design features of the vacuum cleaner robot are convenient access to the filtration system, the presence of a long electric cable, a special hinge device that prevents cable twisting and provides freedom of movement. The innovative device is equipped with a “smart” program, thanks to which the equipment independently determines the dimensions of the pool and calculates the trajectory of movement.
Dolphin Model
- Thanks to innovative technologies, the Zodiac Vortex 4WD model provides excellent care not only for the surface of the bowl, but also improves water quality. If you have a control panel, you can remotely manipulate the device.The pump is positioned so that it creates a vortex flow, as a result of which dirt up to microparticles is drawn into the membrane filter, where it is suspended and does not stick to the walls. Therefore, the capacity for retracting garbage does not change throughout the entire working cycle, regardless of the degree of contamination of the pool bowl.
- The versatile Hayward Tiger Shark 2 model is designed to care for large bodies of water up to 400 m2, the walls of which are made of a variety of materials. It can be home, commercial and sports pools. Power - 17 m3 / h, cleaning rate is 5 m2 / min. The devices are equipped with a powerful engine, a filter system of its own with removable cartridge filters and a pump; there is built-in overload protection.
Model Hayward Tiger Shark 2
- Automatic wireless robot vacuum cleaner Caiman NEMH2O (Nemo) is presented in two versions - Elite and Deluxe. The main differences between the models is the cultivated area - 25 and 50 meters. Units can clean artificial reservoirs of any configuration, including walls, corners and steps. The sealed design is equipped with a battery, tracks, inclinometer, gyroscope, two trash bins with filters and powerful turbines. All electrical and electronic working elements are isolated from water: the degree of protection of the unit is IP68, the charging station is IP64. Thanks to a special program, the device independently selects the trajectory of movement after determining the dimensions of the bowl.
Underwater Vacuum Cleaner
Wireless models also work like wired counterparts. Their main purpose is garbage collection with an integrated filter and water circulation in stagnant zones, which eliminates the formation of plaque on the walls and bottom of the pool.
Read also article about expensive vacuum cleaners.