If the vacuum cleaner creates too much noise during operation, this is a signal for the owner. He has to deal with the causes of the hum and find a way to fix the malfunction. Otherwise, the equipment will fail. In this article, we will try to answer two main questions: “Why did the vacuum cleaner suddenly become loud?” and "What to do to eliminate the hum?"
Why is the vacuum cleaner humming so much?

Photo 1. The vacuum cleaner needs diagnostics
Yesterday, the vacuum cleaner worked fine, but then a little noise began to appear during its operation. After some time, it is already very buzzing, sometimes "like an airplane", pretty annoying the auditory receptors. Moreover, he, at the same time, begins to absorb dust worse and stinks burnt in the room. You should not risk working with such an apparatus! It's time to deal with it and eliminate the cause of the noise of your vacuum cleaner, until the engine of the device burns out.
We clean, first of all, filters
Most often, the device is noisy due to the fact that air does not enter the motor, and therefore it is operated in overload mode. The reason for this phenomenon is commonplace: the owners have not cleaned the filters for a long time and do not release the bag in which the sucked garbage is collected from the contents in time. Removing the clogged filters and emptying the trash bag can solve the problem easily.

Photo 2. A variety of filters for vacuum cleaners
In household vacuum cleaners, three types of filters are used:
1. Primary - collecting garbage and large particles of dust that accumulate in a bag of paper or fabric;

Photo 3. Sample primary filter
2. Nera - for collecting microparticles up to 0.3 microns in size, preventing them from falling onto the device’s engine and extending its service life. They are:
- disposable, made of paper. Some reuse them, cleaning them with a jet of compressed air. This method restores the filter by 80%. For an ideal result, it is better to replace it;
- reusable - from polymeric materials. They are washed and dried. But this does not protect them from harmful bacteria and germs.

Photo 4. Rinsing a reusable filter under running water
3. Aquafilter or water filter. The principle of operation is simple: dust particles are wetted, become heavier and settle inside the dust collector. The filter consists of a container for collecting large debris, dust particles and nera. They clean it in a stacked way: the container is washed, and the nera are washed and dried, or vacuum cleaned and replaced.

Photo 5. Vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter
4. Cyclone filter, which consists of a container and a nera. Dust is exposed to airflow, which picks up the smallest particles and sends them to a special plastic transparent dust collector. It must be cleaned after each use of the vacuum cleaner. Having freed the container from debris, the nera filter is washed, shaken, knocked out or purged.
Industrial and some expensive household models of vacuum cleaners have the function of automatic filter cleaning. But even in them, due to active use, the nera can become clogged. How to clean them, we already know. From time to time, the filter must be replaced with a new one.

Photo 6. Replacing the nera filter
We advise! It is advisable to do this not in the apartment, but on the street, so that dust with germs does not again make the room dirty and does not harm health.
Sometimes a vacuum cleaner not only works loudly, but its suction power decreases. After cleaning the filter elements, as well as replacing them, everything comes back to normal.
Important! Checking the suction hose and brush will not be unnecessary. Filled with scraps of paper, cellophane, large objects, they can also cause the vacuum cleaner to buzz.
We repair the device’s engine

Photo 7. To inspect the engine, the vacuum cleaner must be disassembled
And now the filter has been cleaned, one of the reasons is excluded. We turn on the vacuum cleaner in the network, and it still buzzes like an airplane, the noise level of the device rolls over. Even an inexperienced master will say that the problem lies in the wear of the bearings.
In the case of severe contamination of the filtration system, dust entering the engine compartment sticks to moving parts. Working "on dry", the unit begins to buzz or whistle. If you find it on time and start solving the problem, you can only get off grease (it dries quickly) or replacement of bearings.

Photo 8. General view of the engine of a modern vacuum cleaner
Well, if this did not help, you should pay attention to the motor windings or its other elements. Unscrewing the cover with a screwdriver, you need to pull out the motor and shake the shaft with your fingers. If there is a backlash - everything becomes clear: the bearings, due to untimely cleaning of the filters, have become unusable.
Usually the front wheel, on which the impeller (plastic or aluminum) depends, is the first to fail. We disassemble the vacuum cleaner motor, remove the impeller, rinse in hot water with a powder from adhering cement dust, dry and collect everything back. Moreover, very carefully, since the impeller is crushed, and even bursts from any pressure.
If this part is broken, replacing it is a mission from a series of impossible. They do not change them in services, the motor comes from the manufacturer already with the impeller. The new motor will cost $ 30-40, and you need to look for the original - in the catalog.
We advise! Although the Chinese analogue of motors is cheaper, it is better not to buy it. Do not forget the truth that the avaricious pays twice.
And if the equipment is old, acquired a long time ago, there is no point in repairing it. Reasonably get a new vacuum cleaner.
Turn to user reviews
The users of vacuum cleaners, basically, are our lovely housewives, trying to figure out the cause of the hum, and ask a lot of questions. Here are just two popular questions of the same type: “Tell me, why does the vacuum cleaner buzz loudly?” and “I have a Samsung vacuum cleaner noisy, what should I do?”

Photo 9. A reliable Samsung vacuum cleaner needs continuous filter cleaning
It turns out that modern Samsung models have special built-in sensors that regulate the motor overheating. If the vacuum cleaner, during a long period of operation, is turned off - he needs to rest until the engine cools down. If this rule is ignored during further operation, it may fail. In addition, the Samsung 1600 w is equipped with a large number of filters that need to be cleaned periodically.
Also read in our article about Samsung vacuum cleaners equipped with Anti Tangle turbine.
After reading the forums reviews about the vacuum cleaner, which began to buzz strongly, users draw conclusions for themselves. They are now trying to fill the dust bag only halfway, out of fear of spoiling the motor. Now they have the vacuum cleaner runs silently.

Photo 10. Regular washing of filters - an unshakable rule
Instead of a conclusion
We hope that together with us the readers figured out why the vacuum cleaner began to work loudly.
The main reason is a clogged filter, and this requires a more responsible attitude to its operation. Most men are able to make repairs with their own hands. If this process is beyond their power (there is neither knowledge nor skills), it is better not to try to solve the problem yourself. In such a situation, it is worthwhile to seek the service of experienced specialists.
And if it's time to replace this home or work room care device, take your time to buy the first one missing.

Photo 11. The care product also needs care
Read user reviews about models, study technical specifications (there indicated and power consumption of the vacuum cleaner), ask a lot of insidious questions to the manager about the vacuum cleaner that you liked, and only then make a decision. Or maybe you should think about a steam generator? Then carpets that do not like wet cleaning will be in order, and the house will be clean.
Also pay attention to the article: What happens if you bring the included vacuum cleaner to your eye?