Most people who have old vacuum cleaners at their disposal never thought about what they can do with their own hands from an old vacuum cleaner. As practice shows, new equipment is immediately bought, although the old device is still relatively operational.

New life of an old vacuum cleaner
Devices are often not thrown away, but at the same time take up space. And only a few know how to give a new life to a vacuum cleaner and make a rather useful thing out of it that can still come in handy on a farm. But the device will no longer be suitable for cleaning, it will be able to perform other, no less important functions. Today there are a huge number of vacuum cleaners that differ in their characteristics, but work on the same principle.
When a fairly powerful engine with a large number of revolutions is installed in the vacuum cleaner, it rotates the impeller perfectly during proper operation. This part blows a certain amount of air. At the inlet of the vacuum cleaner, it begins to create a vacuum, which allows the device to suck the right amount of garbage into the installed receiver. At the exit there is also a powerful stream of air, which is pre-cleaned with filters. This principle of operation of a vacuum cleaner can be used for a variety of purposes. There are many options for what can be done from your old but still working vacuum cleaner. We will consider the most popular options.
Read the article - how to clean a vacuum cleaner from blockage.
Air blower
Outdated vacuum cleaner models can be used to make modern devices that inflate children's pools or, for example, mattresses. Most more modern models have not only an inlet, but also an outlet. In order to make an air blower, you will need to connect an additional hose to the outlet of the vacuum cleaner. The end result is a strong air stream.

Air blower
Of course, before operating the old vacuum cleaner in this way, you should carefully clean the container in which the dust was collected. This can be explained by the fact that for the entire time when you cleaned the house, a huge amount of dust particles collected in the device’s container, which at first glance may be invisible. Also, cleaning the container will positively affect the condition of the engine, because dust in a small amount constantly gets inside it.
On a note! An air blower will become an indispensable device for those people who like to relax in the country or in their country house.
A device such as an air blower can be used to clean various types of debris from the tracks. To do this, it is enough to install a special nozzle at the end of the hose, which will have a narrow hole.
Those owners of old home cleaning devices who have their own home workshop can use an air blower for a variety of purposes. With it, you can easily blow off the dust from the surface that you are going to paint. Also, the application will be the collection of dust from metals or wood. In such a situation, an air blower becomes indispensable for removing chips, sawdust and other particles from furniture surfaces and other items.
Attraction for children
Today's children can be difficult to surprise, especially when it comes to toys.Currently, there are a variety of things and accessories for the game on sale - the choice is incredibly wide. At the same time, children can have fun and enjoy playing with flying balloons. In order to make such an interesting attraction for children, you need to use not only the old vacuum cleaner along with the hose, which will be in the area of the outlet, but also some other objects.

Children's attraction
- A couple of balls that are used during a game of tennis.
- Clean food cans designed for children.
- Thin pins.
- Medium and round beads.
First, very carefully pierce the walls of the balls from several sides. After that, cut out the propeller that will be attached to the top of the ball. For the propeller, you need to take the jars and using special stationery scissors cut a small transverse hole. Its length should not exceed 7 cm, and its width should be 1 cm. Then pierce the propeller in the center and carefully place it on the prepared pin. In order for the propeller to rotate easily, beads must be installed in its upper and lower parts. So that they do not fly off, bend the upper part of the pin as well as possible.
The ride is ready. Now you need to turn on the old vacuum cleaner and carefully direct a stream of air onto the ball made with the propeller, always from below. This will lead to the fact that the propeller will gradually begin to rotate and the ball will fly without problems. He can not only hang in one place, but even move short distances. If there is a desire, then on the ball you can draw an interesting pattern or decorate it so that it is even more interesting for the child to play.
What to make from an old cleaning device: a lawn mower
In the presence of the old, working motor from a vacuum cleaner, it can be used to make a good lawn mower. For this device, there will be enough power in the form of 500 watts. No less important spare part than the motor necessary for the operation of the lawn mower will perform its functions - these are blades. For this part you will need very hard steel, which would have excellent quality.
Also, for such a device, you need to make or select the appropriate model for the pen. An excellent solution would be to handle the old stroller you do not need for children. Also from the stroller you can take the wheels and even the frame. If we talk about the power cord, then one that has an old vacuum cleaner is perfect.
In order to make a wireframe, you need to perform the following steps. Take a metal sheet whose thickness will not be less than 3 mm. Next, you need to measure and cut a square. In the center of the square, make a hole in which the engine will be mounted. After that, make a casing to protect the motor from various debris and grass. The simplest option is a casing, which is made from an ordinary can. It is enough to put it on the motor shaft and it will perfectly cope with the protective functions.

Lawn mower from an old vacuum cleaner
Then you need to attach the wheels and strong sharp blades. Previously, special corners with several holes are welded onto the frame. Remember: the knives should be at a height of about 5-7 centimeters above the level of the lawn. The average length of the handle should be approximately 90 centimeters.
The final step will be to attach the power cord and secure the grid, which will not allow the grass to fly in all directions. If a person has at least minor skills in working with equipment, then it will be very simple to make a lawn mower with an old working vacuum cleaner.
Water pump from an old cleaning device
You can also use an outdated vacuum cleaner to pump water from the wells. For this purpose, it is required to install an electric motor that would have a shaft speed of at least 1400 rpm.The shaft from the engine will need to be slightly lengthened, for which a special nozzle is made using a lathe. When it is ready, it must be screwed directly into the motor shaft. There must also be a place on the nozzle where the bearings are mounted. They are fixed in the suction chamber.
Using a lathe, carve a glass with special holes where the outlet hose will be inserted. There should also be holes for mounting the motor shaft. Attach the cup directly to the suction chamber with two M8 bolts. They need to be passed through pre-made holes in the lid.
These holes must be blind and have a thread that is suitable for M8 bolts. Screw the nozzle into the threaded hole and put the rubber pipe on it. Choose a nozzle with a diameter that will not be less than that of the outlet pipe. You also need to prepare a gasket in advance for installation between the suction chamber and the glass. For her, you can take the usual plastic lid, which is used for cans of glass.

Water pump from an old device
The next step is to attach the finished glass to the electric motor. First remove the cover from the engine and make several holes for the bolts in it. Insert the bolts from the inside and be sure to fix them with three nuts, screwing them to each bolt. Tighten the installed bolts as much as possible and return the cover to its place. Then gradually turn the nuts with a wrench. This is necessary in order to ensure alignment of the cup with respect to the motor shaft. Then tighten the bolts with nuts that are not only in the glass, but also in the lid.
When the glass is firmly fixed, you can begin to fix the elements that relate to the suction chamber. In order for the extension nozzle to hold well, fasten it directly to the motor shaft. On the lid you need to attach the inlet tube, which would be flared directly from the side that is near the lid.
To start the finished water pump from an old vacuum cleaner, it is enough to lower the inlet tube into the water. It is also worth overlapping it in the lower part, and through the installed branch pipe, fill the pump chamber with water. After that, turn on the motor, and after a few seconds it will already be possible to open the crane. The device will start to work.
Recommended reading: How to lubricate a bearing in a vacuum cleaner?
How to make a grain mill with an old vacuum cleaner
In order to make a grain crusher yourself, it is very important that a person knows how to work with machinery. If there is no necessary knowledge, then experts do not recommend remaking the old vacuum cleaner into a grain mill, because nothing can happen. So, if you decide to build a device for grinding grain, then you should follow the following instructions.

DIY grain grinder
- Take a sheet of plywood that will have a square shape. Fasten the electric motor to it, but be sure to note that the shaft should go down about 4 centimeters.
- On the tail where the thread is located, install the steel plate. Secure it by applying bushings, nuts, washers.
- The front edges must be sharpened on both sides of the axis.
- In order to make the working chamber for the grain crusher, make a body that would have the shape of a ring. The base of the body will be strips of metal. A correctly constructed structure should consist of rings that will be curved outward. With their help, it is necessary to make flanges with a size of 10 mm. Flanges will help attach the housing directly to the base. A sieve must also be attached to the flanges.

New life of the old Soviet vacuum cleaner
If you have an old vacuum cleaner and you haven’t used it for a long time, but don’t throw it away, then you can try to do other useful things from it. There are a lot of options and each owner of such an aggregate will be able to choose exactly what he will surely find useful more than once. Application may be the most unexpected. You can show a little imagination and create something that no one has thought of doing with a vacuum cleaner.
In this regard, do not rush to get rid of the old device as soon as possible, especially if the mechanisms in the vacuum cleaner are working and work fine. If you have a desire and at least some skills in working with equipment, then you can try to give a new life to the old vacuum cleaner. Do-it-yourself equipment will come in handy on the farm and will help make other types of work simpler. So the old vacuum cleaner, even after the termination of its use for its intended purpose, will be able to serve for a rather long time.
Also read: How clean the apartment without a vacuum cleaner?