Due to the growing demand for dishwashers in Russia and the CIS countries, an increasing number of users are wondering what to do in case of a malfunction, such as a water leak or, conversely, the dishwasher does not pick up water. Modern devices are equipped with a warning system, and in case of a certain kind of malfunction, a digital code will be displayed. Each model has its own system.

This code is typical, first of all, for dishwashers of the Hansa brand
Error e4 is one of the most common malfunctionsoccasionally occurring in dishwashers. To eliminate it, you will first need to find out the cause of its appearance, which will be discussed in this material.
Code Decryption
An error with the e4 code in the dishwasher stands for "too much water." This may mean that one of the pipes is leaking, or a plug in inlet hose has deteriorated, which is why liquid accumulated in the tank with a volume exceeding the permissible norm. You can repair this malfunction with the help of a wizard, or with your own hands. However, specialist services are expensive - about 8 thousand rubles, so it will be easier to do the repair themselves.
If an e4 error occurs, the aquastop alarm system is triggered. This means that the sump is full, and now you can’t do without at least the initial discharge of all stagnant and non-leaking water. This is the initial measure and in order to understand how to fix the e4 error in the dishwasher, you will first need to disassemble it and repair the broken parts. Further we will analyze the possible causes of the leak inside the machine and how to eliminate it.
See also: how can fix i30 error in the dishwasher and what does she mean?
Possible causes of leakage inside the dishwasher
The causes of the error are difficult to understand.without opening the housing and without checking the sockets, pump and other elements of the drainage system. However, it is necessary to mention the most common of them:
- Disruption of the hose from the pump
- Drainage pipe leaks
- Pump malfunctions

A branch pipe that has come off as a possible cause of flooding the dishwasher
How to disassemble a dishwasher
So, you can fix equipment problems either by repairing the parts, or by replacing them with new ones. To do this, disassemble the dishwasher according to the following scheme:
- Disconnect the plug from the outlet;
- Shut off on the water pipe to which screwed in inlet hose, water supply, then unscrew the fixing collars;
- Prepare a bucket and rags in case water remains inside the machine;
- Remove all containers for dishes from the hopper of the machine;
- Gently lay the machine on its side;
- Using a screwdriver and wrenches, unscrew the fixing screws that hold the back wall, as well as the pallet. Remember to unscrew the top cover as well. Now you can not only inspect the pump, but also conduct an inspection of all the other “insides” of the dishwasher;
- Now remove the aquastop from the machine. This device blocks in the event of a system failure an uncontrolled discharge of water. Largely thanks to the Aquastop, serious leaks can be avoided with an e4 error;

Aquastop pump circuit diagram
Important! The aquastop of the old generation often ignores the small leak resulting from small holes in pipes and hoses, which is why the indicator that glows during the leak will not light.In this case, it will be necessary to identify the error in the old fashioned way - to check whether it remains after the cycle of puddles, since the course can be very insignificant at first.
Now that the sensor is removed, you can proceed directly to the repair and installation work. The main advantage of the location of the pump is that you do not have to disassemble the machine completely and do not have to photograph the disassembly process itself, since the location of the walls, panels and ceilings is easy to remember.
Looking for the cause of the problem
After disassembling the machine, collect all the leaked water with rags in a bucket and proceed to the inspection. If you find that the hose connecting the nozzles to the pump has fallen off, loosen the clamp securing it to the back and inspect the hose from the inside.

Aquastop pump system
It often happens that the critical level of pressure becomes the cause of the hose to slip. This can be caused by a blockage that appears in the hose itself or in the place of its connection with the nozzles. This can be caused by various kinds of blockages. For example, with scum - with the remnants of mineral salts and other chemical elements that settle inside the machine. Over time, salts harden and can form a solid barrier. This is fraught with failure of the entire drainage system, so it is best to follow preventive measures - add special salts when starting the dishwasher to soften hard water. Otherwise, this can lead to large-scale damage, which cannot be fixed with your own hands, or you may have to purchase a new dishwasher.

The second possible cause of problems recognized by the system under the e4 code is a leak in one of the pipes or hoses in the drainage system. It can leak at the junction of hoses with nozzles, or from holes in the body. In the first case, you just need to re-tighten the clamps or change the rubber gaskets, which are available for sale in plumbing stores. If you find a leak on the case, then you have to replace the parts. Do not twist with tape or electrical tape - this may lead to more serious malfunctions in the future.
Sometimes the system may not recognize small leaks, so check the sump from time to time to see if a puddle has accumulated there. Do this every six months. Also, do not forget about precautions: thoroughly rinse the dishes on which particles of food remain so that there are no blockages.
Buying hoses and gaskets suitable for your model is not difficult - just show the old, defective parts in the plumbing shop and ask for the same. Of course, you have to fork out, but this will save on repairs in the future, extending the life of your dishwasher.
Thank. I'll check it tomorrow.