Water vapor is a simple, but at the same time very reliable means of combating dirt, germs, bacteria, dust mites and other microorganisms dangerous to the human body. Manufacturers of modern household appliances took this into account and made steam universal mops affordable for consumers. These appliances look like a regular brush, quite simple to operate, but at the same time very functional and will help to clean the entire house quickly and efficiently.

Steam Mop
How does a steam mop work?
A steam mop is a universal device intended for use in everyday life for cleaning surfaces from various types of contaminants and disinfection. Complete with the main device are various nozzles that are designed to clean a specific type of surface. Most devices are equipped with a steam regulator, which is also necessary for safe cleaning of surfaces made of various materials.
The principle of operation of the steam mop is quite simple and it consists in the supply of hot water vapor through the lower part of the device. In order for steam to form in the mop, a special water tank and heating element are provided in its design. When the device is turned on under the action of a high temperature of the heating element, water quickly turns into steam and is removed from the device through special openings.
The temperature of the supplied steam is almost equal to 100 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the dirt is easily dissolved and removed from the surface. In addition, this temperature is enough to destroy the microbes and bacteria that live on all surfaces in the house, as well as remove mold and fungus. Using the device is possible not only when washing the floor covered with laminate, parquet, ceramic tiles, but also for linoleum. It is possible to cope with dirty spots and carry out the necessary disinfection for carpets and carpet flooring, as well as to bring a soft upholstery to the furniture.

Possibility of using a steam mop for various types of surfaces

Steam Mop Operation Procedure
In the process of cleaning using a steam mop, the use of chemical and detergents is not required, which makes cleaning absolutely safe for both humans and interior items and flooring. In addition, in some models, it is possible to disconnect the bottom of the mop with a water tank, which makes it possible to use the device even in the most inaccessible places. You can also simply and quickly clean an electric or gas stove, microwave, oven, clean and disinfect toys or other small items, and also make clean products made from natural or artificial fur.

Using a steam mop to clean the microwave

Steam Mop Functionality
Key selection criteria
Before you give preference to your favorite model of a steam mop, you need to pay attention to its main characteristics, which determine the convenience of its use and the result after cleaning. The main such characteristics include:
- power, on which the steam supply intensity and the time of heating the device from the moment of switching on to the possibility of its use for its intended purpose depend.The more power, the steam will be supplied with greater force, and the willingness to work will come faster. So a device with a power of 1200 W can be used after passing 1-2 minutes after turning on, whereas at 1500 W - after 30 seconds;
- tank volume for water. The larger its capacity, the longer it is possible to use a mop without the need to add a new portion of water into it. Usually this parameter is selected based on the area on which the mop will be used. So for small apartments with an area of several tens of square meters, a tank with a capacity of 250 to 350 ml will be enough. If you need to clean in a large house, then you can think about buying a steam mop with a water tank capacity of up to 600 ml. It should be borne in mind that the larger the capacity, the more weight the device as a whole will have, especially at the very beginning of cleaning, when it is full;
- duration of continuous use. Most often, such a device can be used continuously for 15-20 minutes. After passing this time, he must be allowed to rest, so that all the elements of the device cool down in order to avoid their overheating. More powerful devices, the materials of construction of which have increased heat resistance, can work continuously for 45 minutes or even 1 hour;
- quality of water used. If the device does not have special filters for water purification, then only distilled water is suitable for use in it, which may not be in the house at the right time. Therefore, it is best to choose a steam mop with an active filter that will purify the water before it is heated, poured even from the tap. It should be borne in mind that sooner or later this filter will need to be replaced and upon purchase it is necessary to clarify its availability for sale.

The presence of an active filter in the steam mop will allow the use of water of various quality
Wired or Wireless Steam Mop
The differences in the assortment of products for this purpose also lies in the power sources of the device. So for consumers wired and wireless devices are available, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. So wired devices are less versatile, and they can not be used in street conditions, where there is no source of electricity nearby. Moreover, they are in most cases more powerful, which means that the steam supply intensity is greater, and the heating time is much shorter. The duration of operation of such devices is not limited by anything except the time during which it can be used until the pause is required for cooling. Also, the advantages of this type of steam mops include their lower cost compared to wireless devices.

Wired Steam Mop
Wireless steam mops are powered by rechargeable batteries, which must be recharged after almost every use. They are less powerful than wired devices, but are more convenient to use. They can be used in any room, on the street and in general where there is no source of electricity. The disadvantages of this type of device can be called their higher cost, as well as a limited operating time. Most often, without recharging, the device can work for no more than 20 minutes, in the case of expensive and powerful models –50 minutes. After that, it must be installed “on the base” to charge the batteries.
How to use a steam mop for various surfaces
The use of a steam mop when washing a floor with ceramic tiles or stone is possible with any capacity of the device. In the case of a laminate or parquet, the situation is a little more complicated. This is explained by the fact that for most wooden surfaces, elevated steam temperatures in excess of 90 degrees, and excess moisture, can be harmful factors, since:
- parquet varnish negatively perceives elevated temperatures. In theory, when exposed to high temperature, the varnish may simply peel off from the wood, but this rarely happens. The main problem is that when the varnish enters into reaction with hot water, especially if it happens regularly, cloudy streaks appear on the surface. The appearance of the surface deteriorates and at first glance it may seem that the floor was washed with water with a small amount of lime;
- parquet oil, which is impregnated with wood, under the influence of high temperature, is very quickly washed out of the pores, which leads to the washing off of the protective layer, and, therefore, to a fast darkening of the wood. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to soak the parquet with a new portion of oil once every 1-2 months;
- joints and chamfers of the parquet board, which at the edges do not have a protective layer, quickly acquire a dark color, and the effect of elevated temperatures accelerates this process several times. This is especially noticeable when using a steam mop on light-colored flooring. Dark floor coverings do not lose their attractive appearance for a longer time;
- some wood species react very strongly to high temperatures. In particular, this can be said about European maple or beech. After cleaning such a surface with a steam mop, the boards can become deformed, which subsequently leads to cracking of the varnish.
These features mainly relate to parquet coatings. If a steam mop is used for the laminate, then most often cleaning with this device will not bring a strong negative effect on the surface covered with it. This is explained by the fact that this coating is a fiberboard or chipboard board covered with a special laminated film that reliably protects the main material from environmental factors, including exposure to elevated temperatures. Currently, there are several classes of laminate for wear resistance, as well as protection against moisture. And if the floor surface is lined with a moisture-proof and wear-resistant laminate, then the effect of steam does not threaten him.
Microfiber nozzle will help to better clean the laminate floor. It by itself very effectively removes dirt from the surface and at the same time leaves it almost dry. The disadvantage of the microfiber nozzle on the mop used to wash the laminate is that it does not collect well six animals and hair. Therefore, if perfect cleanliness is expected from cleaning the house, then you need to look at the models, which include additional functions.

Microfiber nozzles for steam mop
Additional features of steam mops
It is very simple and quick to get rid of dirt on the floor, as well as disinfect it and remove all animal hair from the surface, as well as human hair with a steam mop with an electric broom. This function can be used both together and separately on the steam supply for dry cleaning. The rotation speed of the electric broom - roller with a brush reaches 2500 rpm, which makes it possible to quickly make the floor perfectly clean.

Steam mop with electric broom

Electric Mop in a Steam Mop
Thus, a steam mop purchased for a home is one of the most versatile household cleaning appliances. It can be used for almost any type of surface, while not only cleaning them from dust and dirt, but also destroying all bacteria and microbes living on them. Having various nozzles in the steam mop kit, you can quickly and efficiently process various interior items, toys and even fur products. Having such a device at home, you can get rid of fat in the oven or microwave, as well as always keep the stove in perfectly clean condition.
on our site you can also read which mop to choose.