Many photographers still prefer mechanical rather than digital cameras. And this is not just a tribute to the fashion or habit of those who grew up in the distant past. Film cameras have their own advantages, and the “Practice” camera occupies a special place among such equipment, along with the “Zenith”.
For Soviet photographers, possessing “Practice” meant possessing quality. Consider the distinctive features of this brand as a whole and on the example of specific models.
History of “Soviet” Practice
The first model of the camera with this name was released in 1949 on the basis of several large German factories merged into a single concern. In the postwar period, the Germans were forced to cooperate with the Soviet Union - this is how the legendary Pentacon company, famous for the quality of its products, appeared.

The quality of Zeiss lenses among amateur photographers is not in dispute
The quality of German products and the enthusiasm of the Soviets led to the fact that the first camera to be in space was Practice. Since then, the cherished dream of every amateur photographer in our country has become the possession of this miracle of technology.
Zeiss manufacturers were responsible for the impeccable quality of the lenses and mechanisms in it, but the collaboration between them and Pentacon continued only until 1985. Subsequently, Praktica turned into an independent company, and still produces cameras, but with an emphasis on compact digital models.
Today, photographers continue to use old, even used, mechanical models of "Practice", and not without reason. Consider the two most popular cameras of this brand.
Praktica ltl3
This model appeared on the market in 1975. It was equipped with Zeiss optics, but the diameter of the thread made it easy to attach Soviet lenses to it.

Convenient camera quickly became popular
The camera is in several ways better than its competitor, Zenith:
- convenience consists in easy access to the shutter button, moreover, it works more smoothly, and the camera does not twitch at all;
- in low light and shooting moving objects, Praktica is also ahead due to shutter speeds up to 1/1000 of a second and the ability to set ISO to 1600, the Zenith never dreamed of;
- the viewfinder is very convenient, equipped with wedges for sharp focusing and warns of an unopened shutter - everything is for people;
- the film rewind button is located below, which insures against accidental rewind of the frame and loss of the “same” moment for shooting.
Of the minuses of this mechanical camera, perhaps, only the shutter curtains do not work at certain shutter speeds. But not all cameras are subject to such a drawback, professionals recommend simply rechecking the shutter in the entire range of shutter speeds.
Today, you can buy such a camera inexpensively, from 1000 rubles for a “bare" copy without bells and whistles. The equipment is in excellent condition and with a small set of lenses can cost five thousand rubles.
Praktica super tl
The device is older than the previous one, produced since 1968. This is a DSLR designed for 35 mm film, with a bit lower shutter speed and light sensitivity than LTL3.

The dream of Soviet photographers
To work with this, you need to know the basics of working with an exposure meter and shutter speed, exposure settings and aperture, but connoisseurs of film photography will do anything to achieve the desired image. In addition, batteries can be used to operate automatic mechanisms (it was originally designed for mercury batteries, they will have to be replaced).
The convenience of this model is also on top.The shutter is pressed smoothly, the location of the buttons allows you to change the shooting parameters in a matter of seconds, and hover over an object to take a picture of it.
You can buy such a camera for an average of 2000 rubles.
With proper care, Praktica cameras will last for many years. If you know how to handle exposure, they will not need batteries at all. For film shooting, such cameras are one of the best, which is proved by many years of experience among amateur photographers.