How to replace the battery on ipad mini, what is needed for this?
Depending on your budget, consider two examples in detail:
- Replacing the battery in a service center, in the radio market and in a simple boutique.
- Replacing the battery at home.
Service, boutique, market
In any of the proposed options, whether it is a boutique or a service center, the client will be happy if you bring Apple equipment. The fact is that spare parts for iPad and iPhone are always available, available and have a modular structure when replaced. Service centers primarily buy spare parts specifically for Apple, as they make up the main profit in the repair of gadgets. Many open their points exclusively for working with apple technology, not agreeing to repair other devices. So, what are the parameters to choose?

Fast battery discharge
Service center
The first and most reliable on the list will be a Service Center specializing exclusively in Apple technology, they usually offer iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac and other equipment repair. The advantage of such stores is the speed of replacement, professionalism of the master, a guarantee and no markups from above. Cons - high cost compared to boutiques and radio markets.
Duration of work: from an hour to one day.
Warranty: yes.
Work quality: high.
Parts quality: high.
Price: 2500 - 4000 rub.

Ipad battery
Boutiques are often located in small shopping centers, have average prices for replacing the ipad 2 battery. They offer to complete the work within one or two days. This time is necessary in order to order your battery from the supplier. The quality of the replacement depends solely on the master working in this retail space. You can find out by talking to the master. If he hesitantly reports on the timing, price and progress of work - it can be a beginner or an intern, you should not give your device in this case, since a replacement can result in a loss of functionality of the gadget.
Duration of work: from one day to three days.
Warranty: from one day to a month.
Quality of work: average.
Parts quality: medium.
Price: 2000 - 3500 rub.
Radio market
One of the main advantages when replacing the battery on the radio market is the speed of repair and a low price tag. But big disadvantages are often hidden behind this: lack of warranty, lack of necessary equipment, poor quality of work. If you decide to change the battery in the market, then be sure to ask in different pavilions about the prices for repairs and pay attention to the presence of equipment, the number of customers. Often these factors will help to identify a good center with low prices from the pavilion with overpriced prices for such a service.

Assortment of radio markets
Timing of work: from one hour to five hours.
Warranty: none or up to a month.
Work quality: low to high.
Spare parts quality: low.
Price: 1500-3000 rub.
The first example of replacing a faulty battery for the iPad we have made out. In our example, the average numbers were indicated.
Consider the second option - replacing the battery at home.
Battery self-replacement
To do this, you will need to find a seller and determine the price of the battery on the iPad. It varies from 600 rubles to 1,500 rubles. Battery quality has three types: AAA, AA, A. Quantity A determines the quality: the more there are, the better the quality. If you find the battery at a very low price, with AAA quality, be careful, this may turn out to be lower quality. These batteries do not hold well, respond poorly to temperature, and can cause the device to short circuit.
If the battery is purchased, we will take a few steps to replace it.
Step 1: completely disconnect your device.
Step 2: remove the touch glass. From improvised means, if you do not have a special air dryer, use a home hairdryer. Warm your touch glass evenly for five minutes in a circular motion around the entire perimeter. Having made sure that the glass is hot enough (when touching no more than one second), you can proceed to dismantle the glass. It is necessary to pick up the glass carefully from the edge (a regular plastic card with a slightly sharpened edge is suitable for a hook). Separating it around the perimeter from the case, be careful, the sensor cable is located below.

Parsing an ipad using a hair dryer
Step 3: unscrew the screws of the display and remove the protective frame, its bolts are located around the perimeter.
Step 4: remove the sensor shields (metal plates), they are fastened with three bolts.
Step 5: disconnect the connectors located under the protective screen (metal plate), this can be done carefully with a fingernail. Now the display and sensor can be set aside.
Step 6: disconnect the battery connector, it is next to the display and sensor connectors. You will recognize it by a trailing loop to the battery itself.
Step 7: disconnect the battery.
Attention! The battery is attached to the case with special glue. Therefore, its extraction will require effort. It is necessary to remove on the left side, where there is no board and its components. Be careful! When removing the battery, it should not be pierced with a sharp object, this can lead to its explosion.
Step 8: after you remove the battery, put the new battery in the same position. The battery can be fixed with a small amount of superglue on the bottom case.

DIY ipad battery removal
Step 9: we assemble our mini-iPad in the reverse order: we snap the battery connector, connect the sensor and display connectors, fix it with a protective screen, install a protective frame, attach the display to it, and the last action remains, glue the touch glass.
Step 10: in order to glue the touch glass you need a special sealant, you can find it in an electronics store or online store, for example, B-7000 sealant or double-sided tape 0.3 mm, just one of these means you need to glue the screen around the perimeter, removing old glue residue from the frame. This completes the battery replacement.
It is considered safer and more expedient to replace a non-working battery with an iPad Mini in a service rather than at home, since experience, practice and tools are required. But for you, we have described all the possible options for replacing and installing batteries for this device. Good luck!